Systems. Methods. Technologies 4 (40) 2018

Systems Methods Technologies. A.P. Mokhirev et al. Optimization of timber …2018 № 4 (40) p. 132-140 140 21. Rozenberg I., Gittis C., Svyatov D. Geoinformation sys- tem Object Land // Proceedings of IPI RAN Systems and Means of Informatics. Science, Moscow, 2000. 22. Мохирев А.П., Егармин П.А. Географическая инфор- мационная система планирования оптимального освоения лесного фонда // Системы Методы Технологии. 2011. № 4 (12). С. 172-177. References 1. Mohirev A. P., Bolotov O.V. Design of forest roads net- work on the example of Krasnoyarsk region enterprises: monogr. Krasnoyarsk: SibGTU, 2010. 178 p. 2. Kondrashova E.V., Volkov A.M. Improving the efficiency of transport roads in the forest complex. Voronezh: Izd-vo Voro- nezh. gos. un-ta, 2010. 232 p. 3. Cormen H., Leiserson C.E., Rivest R.L., Stein C. Introduc- tion to Algorithms. Third edition: MIT Press, 2001. 1312 p. 4. Pallottino S., Scutellà M.G. Shortest Path Algorithms in Transportation Models: Classical and Innovative Aspects // Equi- librium and Advanced Transportation Modelling. Kluwer, 1998. P. 245-281. 5. Ahuja R.K., Magnanti T.L., Orlin J. B. Network Flows: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey, 1993. 846 p. 6. Floyd, R.W. Algorithm 97- Shortest path. Comm. Of ACM. 1962. 5. 345 p. 7. Nasrabadi E., Hashemi S.M. Minimum cost time-varying network flow problems // Optim Meth Software. 2010. Vol. 25 (3). P. 429-447. 8. Bozhenyuk A., Gerasimenko E., Rozenberg I. The methods of maximum Flow and minimum cost flow finding in fuzzy net- work // Proceedings of the Concept Discovery in Unstructured Data Workshop (CDUD 2012) co-located with the 10th Interna- tional Conference on Formal Concept Analysis (ICFCA 2012) May 2012, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium. 2012. P. 1-12. 9. Kovács P. Minimum-cost flow algorithms: An experimen- tal evaluation // EGRES Technical Report. 2013. № 4. DOI: 10.1080/10556788.2014.895828. 10. Bozhenyuk A.V., Gerasimenko E.M. Development of al- go-rhythm for finding maximum flow of minimum cost in fuzzy dynamic transportation network // Engineering journal of Don. E- journal. 2013. T. 24, № 1 (24). 104 p. 11. Gerasimenko E.M. Finding flow in transportation net- works in conditions of uncertainty and partial uncertainty: avtoref. dis. … kand. tekhn. nauk. Taganrog, 2014. 20 p. 12. Rukomoinikov K.P. Structuring of loading points and main skid road in conditions of existing road network in forest compartment // Journal of Applied Engineering Science. 2015. T. 13, № 3. P. 167-174. 13. Platonova E.V. Substantiation of capacity of logging roads at different speed regimes and models of traffic flow: dis. … kand. tekhn. Arhangel'sk, 2006. 151 p. 14. Rukomojnikov K.P. Graphic modeling technology quar- terly development of clear-cuts in fuzzy dynamic natural produc- tion conditions // Modern problems of science and education. 2014. № 6. 220 p. 15. Mohirev A.P., Pozdnyakova M.O., Kunickaya O.A., Gri- gor'ev I.V. Factors influencing the accessibility of wood re- sources: impact analysis of key criteria in //Systems Methods Technologies. 2018. № 1 (37). P. 110-115. 16. Rukomojnikov K.P.Graphoalgorithmicapproach to justifi- cation of rational technologies quarterly development of sites of forest fund// Moscow state forest university bulletin - Lesnoy vestnik. 2014. № 2. P. 96-103. 17. Mohirev A.P., Gerasimova M.M., Komarov K.A., Fomina V.YU . Finding routes for the delivery of wood with a minimum transport cost with the seasonality of transportation // Forest En- gineering: materialy nauch.-prakticheskoj konf. s mezhdunar. uchastiem. Yakutsk, 2018. P. 162-165. 18. Mokhirev A.P, Pozdnyakova M.O., Medvedev S.O., Mammatov V.O. Assessment of availability of wood resources using geographic information and analytical systems (the Kras- noyarsk territory as a case study) // Journal of Applied Engineer- ing Science. 2018. № 3 (16). P. 313-319. DOI: 10.5937/ jaes16-16908. 19. Vasil'ev A.P. Road Design taking into account the influ- ence of climate on traffic conditions. M.: Transport, 1986. 248 p. 20. Mohirev A.P., Mohirev P.F. Study of special graphs are logging in Krasnoyarsk region // Resources and Technology. 2015. T. 12, № 2. P. 98-108. DOI: 10.15393/ 21. Rozenberg I., Gittis C., Svyatov D. Geoinformation sys- tem Object Land // Proceedings of IPI RAN Systems and Means of Informatics. Science, Moscow, 2000. 22. Mohirev A.P., Egarmin P.A. Geographic information sys- tem planning for the optimum development of the forest Fund //Systems Methods Technologies. 2011. № 4 (12). P. 172-177.