Systems. Methods. Technologies 3 (39) 2018
Системы Методы Технологии. С.А. Чжан. Лесопользование в насаждениях … 2018 № 3 (39) с. 79-83 83 ботаники им. В.Ф. Купревича НАН Беларуси. Минск, 2008. 459 с. 12. Чжан С.А., Рунова Е.М., Пузанова О.А. Ведение лес- ного хозяйства в условиях длительного техногенного загряз- нения // Актуальные проблемы лесного комплекса: сб. науч. тр. по итогам междунар. науч.-технической конф. Брянск, 2012. Вып. 31. 215 с. 13. Чжан С.А., Пузанова О.А., Чжан Л.А. Мероприятия по ведению лесного хозяйства в нарушенных лесных фито- ценозах // Труды Братского государственного университета. Сер. Естественные и инженерныенауки. 2014. Т. 2. С. 350-354. References 1. Runova E.M., Zaharenko T.A., Chzhan S.A.The specificity of theforest exploitation in the plantings subject to influence of industrial emissions// Materialy XV nauch.-tehnicheskoj konf. BrII. Bratsk, 1994. P.19-21. 2. Ugryumov B.I., Runova E.M., Nezhevec G.P.Aspects of forest exploitation in the woods subject to influence of industrial issues. Bratsk: BrII, 1996. 100p. 3. Runova E.M., Ugryumov B.I., Nezhevec G.P., Chzhan S.A.Organization of forest exploitation in zones of industrial pol- lution. Recommendations Bratsk, BrII. 1998. 44 p. 4. Chzhan S.A., Runova E.M., Puzanova O.A.A sanitary con- dition of technogenic forest stands of the second generation in the woods of the Angara region // Lesopolzovanie, ekologiya i ohrana lesov: fundamentalnye i prikladnye aspekty: materiay nauch.- tehnicheskoj konf. Tomsk, 2005. P. 300. 5. Chzhan S.A.Features of influence of technogenic pollution on coniferous forest stands: monogr. Bratsk: BrGU, 2010. 116p. 6. Chzhan S.A., Runova E.M., Puzanova O.A.Estimation of stability of a pine ordinary in zones of aero technogenic pollution according to an ecological monitoring //Forestry Bulletin. 2009. № 1 (64). P. 180-183. 7. Chzhan S.A., Puzanova O.A., Chzhan L.A. Increase in sta- bility of phytocoenosisin the conditions of technogenic pollution // Prirodnye resursy i ekologiya Dalnevostochnogo regiona: mate- rialy Mezhdunar. nauch-prakticheskogo foruma. Habarovsk, 2013. P. 593. 8. Puzanova O.A.Ecological and sanitary condition of the woods of Priankgarye // MNTK Lesopolzovanie, ekologiya i ohrana lesov: fundamentalnye i prikladnye aspekty: materiay nauch.-tehnicheskoj konf. Tomsk, 2005. P. 123-135. 9. Runova E.M., Chzhan S.A., Puzanova O.A., Chzhan L.A. Regularities of growth and development of forest stands in the conditions of the Angara region //Systems. Methods. Technolo- gies. 2012. № 4 (16). P. 166-170. 10. Chzhan S.A., Puzanova O.A. Influence of long technogen- ic load of components of the wood of the city of Bratsk //Aktualnye problemy lesnogo kompleksa: sb. nauch. tr. Bryansk, 2017. Vyp. 47. 199 p. 11. Runova E.M., Chzhan S.A., Puzanova O.A. Estimationof a condition of a wood vegetation in areas of technogenic influ- ence// Monitoring i ocenka sostoyaniya rastitelnogo mira: mate- rialy Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. / In-t eksperimen. botaniki im. V.F. Kuprevicha NAN Belarusi. Minsk, 2008. 459p. 12. Chzhan S.A., Runova E.M., Puzanova O.A. Forest man- agement in the conditions of long technogenic pollution // Ak- tualnye problemy lesnogo kompleksa: sb. nauch. tr. po itogam mezhdunar. nauch.-tehnicheskoj konf. Bryansk, 2012. Vyp. 31. 215 p. 13. Chzhan S.A., Puzanova O.A., Chzhan L.A. Actions for forest management in the broken forest phytocoenosis// Trudy Bratskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ser. Estestvennye i inzhenernye nauki. 2014. T. 2. P. 350-354.