Systems. Methods. Technologies 3 (39) 2018

Системы Методы Технологии. Т.А. Григорьева и др. Корреляционно-регрессионный анализ … 2018 № 3 (39) с. 57-61 61 16. Патрусова А.М. Метод вторичной идентификации ли- нейных динамических объектов // Информатика и системы управления. 2001. № 2 (02). С. 96-99. 17. Патрусова А.М., Колтыгин Д.С. Анализ и разработка прикладных методов идентификации промышленных объек- тов. Братск, 2003. Рукоп. деп. в ВИНИТИ 02.04.2003. № 583- В2003. 18. Григорьева Т.А., Толубаев В.Н. Автоматизация техно- логических процессов и производств: Братск: Изд-во БрГУ, 2017. 107 с. 19. Григорьева Т.А., Толубаев В.Н. Выбор программи- руемых контроллеров в современном производстве // Труды Братского государственного университета. Сер. Естествен- ные и инженерные науки. 2014. Т. 1. С. 269-271. 20. Григорьева Т.А., Толубаев В.Н. Автоматизированные системы управления на базе ПТК «ТЕКОН» // Труды Брат- ского государственного университета. Сер. Естественные и инженерные науки. 2014. Т. 1. С. 271-274. References 1. Grigor'eva T.A., Shumanskij Eh.K. Multifactorial correla- tion-regression analysis of technological parameters of cellulose drying // Trudy Bratskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ser. Estestvennye i inzhenernye nauki. 2016. T. 2. P. 134-138. 2. Grigor'eva T.A., Tolubaev V.N. Control of the dynamic properties of the drying plant // Trudy Bratskogo gosudarstvenno- go universiteta. Ser. Estestvennye i inzhenernye nauki. 2015. T. 2. P. 52-54. 3. Dojnikov A.N., Grigor'eva T.A. The method of forming a model of a multiply connected system for adaptive control of the quality of transient processes using regulators at adjacent stations. Bratsk, 2004. Rukop. dep. v VINITI 06.08.2004. № 1367-V2004. 4. Dojnikov A.N., Krumin O.K., Grigor'eva T.A. Metodika and algorithm of adaptive stabilization of multiply connected electric power system // Vestnik of Irkutsk State Technical Uni- versity. 2004. T. 2, № 18. P. 31-36. 5. Grigor'eva T.A., Korotkaya A.S. Control of the dynamic properties of the steam boiler BKZ 75/39 // Trudy Bratskogo go- sudarstvennogo universiteta. Ser. Estestvennye i inzhenernye nauki. 2015. T. 2. P. 64-67. 6. Grigor'eva T.A., Tolubaev V.N. System for collecting and presenting information on the accounting of energy resources // Trudy Bratskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ser. Estestven- nye i inzhenernye nauki. 2006. T. 2. P. 73-75. 7. Grigor'eva T.A., Patrusova A.M. Modeling of dynamic processes in a metal firing furnace // Nauka i sovremennost'. 2014. № 28. P. 167-171. 8. Grigor'eva T.A., Tolubaev V.N. Choice of temperature converters in modern automatic control systems // Trudy Bratsko- go gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ser. Estestvennye i inzhener- nye nauki. 2015 T. 1. P. 150-153. 9. Grigor'eva T.A., Tolubaev V.N. Choice of pressure trans- ducers in modern automatic control systems // Trudy Bratskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ser. Estestvennye i inzhenernye nauki. 2015. T. 2. P. 54-58. 10. Dojnikov, A. N., Grigor'eva T.A.The analysis of dynamic properties and synthesis of models of electric power systems by the regime frequency characteristics// Informacionnye tekhnologii i problemy matematicheskogo modelirovaniya slozhnyh sistem: sb. nauch. tr. Irkutsk, 2005. P. 91-102. 11. Grigor'eva T.A. Parametric identification of electric power systems for managing their own dynamic properties: avtoref. dis. … kand. tekhn. nauk. Bratsk, 2005. 12. Grigor'eva T.A. Parametric identification of electric power systems for managing their own dynamic properties: dis. … kand. tekhn. nauk. Bratsk, 2005. 13. Grigor'eva T.A. Management of dynamic properties in heat-and-power systems // Trudy Bratskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ser. Estestvennye i inzhenernye nauki. 2010. T. 1. P. 54-58. 14. Grigor'eva T.A., Patrusova A.M. Problems of controlling the dynamic properties of industrial facilities // Trudy Bratskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ser. Estestvennye i inzhenernye nauki. 2013. T. 2. P. 210-213. 15. Patrusova A.M. Algorithms for identification and diagnos- tics of analog industrial objects: dis. ... kand. tekhn. nauk. Bratsk, 2003. 125p. 16. Patrusova A.M. Method of secondary identification of li- near dynamic objects // Information Science and Control Systems. 2001. № 2 (02). P. 96-99. 17. Patrusova A.M., Koltygin D.S. Analysis and development of applied methods for identifying industrial objects. Bratsk, 2003. Rukop. dep. v VINITI 02.04.2003. № 583-V2003. 18. Grigor'eva T.A., Tolubaev V.N. Automation of technolo- gical . Bratsk: Izd-vo BrGU, 2017. 107 p. 19. Grigor'eva T.A., Tolubaev V.N. Choice of programmable controllers in modern production // Trudy Bratskogo gosu- darstvennogo universiteta. Ser. Estestvennye i inzhenernye nauki. 2014. T. 1. P. 269-271. 20. Grigor'eva T.A., Tolubaev V.N. Automated control sys- tems on the basis of PTK "TEKON" // Trudy Bratskogo gosu- darstvennogo universiteta. Ser. Estestvennye i inzhenernye nauki. 2014. T. 1. P. 271-274.