Systems. Methods. Technologies 3 (39) 2018
Systems Methods Technologies. V.A. Koronatov. A general approach … 2018 № 3 (39) p. 24-32 32 11. Bazhenov V.G., Kotov V.L. Mathematical modeling of unsteady processes of impact and penetration of axisymmetric bodies and identification of properties of soil media. M.: Fizmat- lit, 2011. 208 p. 12. Aptukov V.N., Murzakaev R.T., Fonarev A.V. Applied theory of penetration. M.: Nauka, 1992. 105 p. 13. Bazhenov V.G., Bragov A.M., Kotov V.L., Kochetkov A.V. Investigation of impact and penetration of bodies of rotation into soft ground // Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechan- ics. 2003. T. 67, № 4. 686 p. 14. Bazhenov V.G., Kotov V.L. Numerical and analytical me- thod of studying the stability of the motion of bodies of rotation in soft soil media // Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2017. T. 81, № 6. P. 688-698. 15. Dzhonson K. Mechanics of contact interaction. M.: Mir, 1989. 510 p. 16. Hertz H. Uber die Beruhrung fester elastischer Korper // J. 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