Systems. Methods. Technologies 2 (38) 2018

Systems Methods Technologies. A.M. Dzhambekov et al. Algorithms for optimal … 2018 № 2 (38) p. 54-62 62 17. Беллман Р., Заде Л. Принятие решений в расплывча- тых условиях. М.: Мир, 1976. 46 с. 18. Джамбеков А.М. Использование информационных технологий для обеспечения автоматизированного управле- ния процессом каталитического риформинга в условиях не- определенности // Прикаспийский журнал: управление и вы- сокие технологии. 2017. № 2 (38). С. 36-46. 19. Джамбеков А.М.,Щербатов И.А. Оптимальное управ- ление процессом каталитического риформинга бензиновых фракций // Вестн. Тамб. гос. техн. ун-та. 2017. Т. 23, № 4. С. 557-571. 20. Джамбеков А.М. Управление процессом каталитиче- ского риформинга в условиях неопределенности // Матема- тические методы в технике и технологиях: сб. тр. междунар. науч. конф. Т. 5. СПб., 2017. C. 107-110. References 1. Smith J.M. Chemical engineering kinetics. McGrawHill, 1981. 676 p. 2. UOP Platforming Process. Operations Handbook. Illinois, USA: UOP. Des Planies, 1997. 390 p. 3. Gumen M.I. Increasing of the Efficiency of the Riforming LG3511/300 // Petroleum Processing and Petrochemistry. 2001. № 11. P. 54-57. 4. Perdih A., Perdih F. Chemical Interpretation of Octane Number // Acta Chim. Slov. 2006. № 53. P. 306-315. 5. Mircea C., Agachi, S., Marimoiu V. Simulation and Model Predictive Control of a UOP Fluid Catalytic Cracking // Chemical Engineering and Processing. 2003. Vol. 42. P. 67. 6. Bochkaryov A.V., Fyodorova O.V. Improving the quality of transient processes in the preliminary hydrotreating unit of catalytic reforming facility // Novaya nauka: Problemy i perspek- tivy. 2016. № 115-2. P. 146-148. 7. Ancheyta J. Modeling and simulation of catalytic reactors for petroleum refining. Wiley, 2011. 528 p. 8. Carla I., Pinheiro S., Joana L. Catalytic Cracking (FCC) Process Modeling, Simulation, and Control // Industrial I Engi- neering Chemistry Research. 2012. № 51 (1). P. 1-29. 9. Pashayeva B. Mathematical model of the fluid catalytic cracking for work in testing control systems for the cracking plant // Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics: The Third Interna- tional Conference. September 6-8, 2010, Baku, Azerbaijan. Baku, 2010. Vol. 1. P. 328-331. 10. Litovka Yu.V., Kao V.Z.Modeling and optimization of a galvanic bath with additional cathodes //TambovUniversity Re- ports. 2016. T. 22, № 1. P. 68-74. 11. Litovka Yu.V., Kao V.Z., Solovyov D.S.Optimization of galvanic bath with additional cathodes and bipolar electrodes //Vestnik of Astrakhan State Technical University.Series: Man- agement, Computer Science and Informatics. 2016. № 2. P. 7-17. 12. Matvejkin V.G., Dmitrievskij B.S., Popov N.S., Dmitrieva O.V.Integrated model of innovation-production system // Tambo- vUniversity Reports. 2016. T. 22, № 4. P. 550-558. 13. Matvejkin V.G., Dmitrievskij B.S., Shatilova A.A., Fili- na A.S., Semerzhinskij S.G. Modeling the dynamics of the pro- duction system // TambovUniversity Reports. 2014. T. 20, № 3. P. 452-458. 14. Akulinin E.I., Ishin A.A., Skvortsov S.A., Dvoretsky D.S., Dvoretsky S.I. Mathematical modeling of hydrogen production process by pressure swing adsorption method // Advanced Mate- rials and Technologies. 2017. № 2. P. 38-49. 15. Akulinin E.I., Ishin A.A., Skvortsov S.A., Dvoretsky D.S., Dvoretsky S.I. Optimization of adsorption processes with cyclic variable pressure in gas mixture separation // Advanced Materials and Technologies. 2017. № 3. P. 51-60. 16. Dzhambekov A.M., Sherbatov I.A., Antonov O.V., Prota- linskij O.M. Calculating the efficiency of the catalytic reforming process using a hybrid model//Automation, telemechanization and communication in the oil industry. 2017. № 2. P. 26-33. 17. Bellman R., Zade L.Decision-making under vague condi- tions. M.: Mir, 1976. 46p. 18. Dzhambekov A.M.Use of information technologies to provide automated control over the process of catalytic reforming under conditions of uncertainty // Pre-Caspian Journal: Manage- ment and High Technologies. 2017. № 2 (38). P. 36-46. 19. Dzhambekov A.M., Sherbatov I.A.Optimum control of the process of catalytic reforming of gasoline fractions // Tambov University Reports. 2017. T. 23, № 4.P. 557-571. 20. Dzhambekov A.M.Control of the process of catalytic re- forming under conditions of uncertainty // Matematicheskie me- tody v tehnike i tehnologiyah: sb. tr. mezhdunar. nauch. konf. T. 5. SPb., 2017. P. 107-110.