Systems. Methods. Technologies 2 (38) 2018
Systems Methods Technologies. E.G. Khitrov et al. Method of solving …2018 № 2 (38) p. 116-120 120 7. taking based on energy cost // Proceedings of the 14 th Interna- tional Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconferences, Vol. 2. Water Resources. Marine and Ocean Ecosystems, 16 – 26 June 2014, Albena, Bulgaria. Р. 407-414. 8. Wismer R.D., Luth, H. J. Off-road traction prediction for wheeled vehicles. Transaction ASAE. 1973. № 17 (1). Р. 8-10,14. 9. Dwyer M.J. Tractive performance of a wide, low-pressure tyre compared with conventional tractor drive tyres // Journal of terramechanics. 1987. № 24 (3). Р. 227-234. 10. Maclaurin E.B. The use of mobility numbers to describe the in-field tractive performance of pneumatic tyres // Proceedings of the 10th International ISTVS Conference, Kobe, Japan, 1990. Vol. 1. Р. 177-186. 11. Ashmore C., Burt C., Turner J. An empirical equation for predicting tractive performance of log- skidder tires // Transac- tions of the ASAE. 1987. № 30 (5). Р. 1231-1236. 12. Wong J.Y.Terramechanics and Off-mad Vehicles. Ams- terdam // The Netherlands: Elsevier Science, 1989. 13. Wong J.Y., Reece A.R. Soil Failure Beneath Rigid Wheels," in Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. of the International Society for Terrain Vehicle Systems. Toronto. Canada: University of Toronto Press, 1966. 14. Wong J.Y. Review of ‘Soil Mechanics for Off-road Ve- hicle Engineering // Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 1981. Vol. 16, № 3. 15. Bekker M.G.Introduction to Terrain-Vehicle Systems. Ann Arbor, Ml: University of Michigan Press, 1969. 16. McKyes E.Soil Cutting and Tillage. Developments in Agricultural Engineering 7. Amsterdam. The Netherlands: Elsevi- er Science. 1985. 17. Калистратов А.В., Иванов В.А., Коротков Р.К., Хитров Е.Г., Григорьев Г.В. Исследование коэффициента фильтрации лесной почвы (случай дерново-подзолистой почвы) // Системы Методы Технологии. 2014. № 2 (22). С. 190-193. 18. Хитров Е.Г., Божбов В.Е., Ильюшенко Д.А. Расчет не- сущей способности лесных почвогрунтов под воздействием колесных движителей // Системы Методы Технологии. 2014. № 4 (24). С. 122-126. 19. Хитров Е.Г., Григорьев Г.В., Дмитриева И.Н., Илью- шенко Д.А. Расчет конусного индекса по величине модуля деформации лесного почвогрунта // Системы Методы Техно- логии. 2014. № 4 (24). С. 127-131. 20. Grigorev I.V., Khitrov E.G., Kalistratov A.V., Stepanish- cheva M.V. Dependence of filtration coefficient of forest soils to its density // Proceedings of the 14 th International Multidiscipli- nary Scientific Geoconferences, Vol. 2. Water Resources. Marine and Ocean Ecosystems, 16 – 26 June 2014, Albena, Bulgaria. Р. 339-344. 21. Grigorev I.V., Khitrov E.G., Ivanov V.A., Gaspa- rian G.D., Nikiforova A.I. Softwood harvesting and processing problem in Russian Federation // Proceedings of the 14 th Interna- tional Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconferences, Vol. 2. Water Resources. 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The use of mobility numbers to describe the in-field tractive performance of pneumatic tyres // Proceedings of the 10th International ISTVS Conference, Kobe, Japan, 1990. Vol. 1. P. 177-186. 10. Ashmore C., Burt C., Turner J. An empirical equation for predicting tractive performance of log- skidder tires // Transac- tions of the ASAE. 1987. № 30 (5). P. 1231-1236. 11. Wong J.Y. Terramechanics and Off-mad Vehicles. Ams- terdam // The Netherlands: Elsevier Science, 1989. 12. Wong J.Y., Reece A.R. Soil Failure Beneath Rigid Wheels," in Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. of the International Society for Terrain Vehicle Systems. Toronto. Canada: University of Toronto Press, 1966. 13. Wong J.Y. Review of ‘Soil Mechanics for Off-road Ve- hicle Engineering // Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 1981. Vol. 16, № 3. 14. Bekker M.G. Introduction to Terrain-Vehicle Systems. Ann Arbor, Ml: University of Michigan Press, 1969. 15. McKyes E. Soil Cutting and Tillage. Developments in Agricultural Engineering 7. Amsterdam. The Netherlands: Elsevi- er Science. 1985. 16. Kalistratov A.V., Ivanov V.A., Korotkov R.K., Hitrov E.G., Grigor'ev G.V.Studies of filtration coefficient of sod- podzolic forest soils //Systems Methods Technologies. 2014. № 2 (22). P. 190-193. 17. Hitrov E.G., Bozhbov V.E., Il'yushenko D.A.Calculation of load-bearing capacity for forest potting soils influenced by the wheeled running gears //Systems Methods Technologies. 2014. № 4 (24). P. 122-126. 18. Hitrov E.G., Grigor'ev G.V., Dmitrieva I.N., Il'yushenko D.A.Calculation of a cone index on value of the deformation modulus for forest potting soils // Systems Methods Technologies. 2014. № 4 (24). P. 127-131. 19. Grigorev I.V., Khitrov E.G., Kalistratov A.V., Stepanish- cheva M.V. Dependence of filtration coefficient of forest soils to its density // Proceedings of the 14th International Multidiscipli- nary Scientific Geoconferences, Vol. 2. Water Resources. Marine and Ocean Ecosystems, 16-26 June 2014, Albena, Bulgaria. P. 339-344. 20. Grigorev I.V., Khitrov E.G., Ivanov, V.A., Gasparian G.D., Nikiforova A.I. Softwood harvesting and processing problem in Russian Federation // Proceedings of the 14th International Multi- disciplinary Scientific Geoconferences, Vol. 2. Water Resources. Marine and Ocean Ecosystems, 16-26 June 2014, Albena, Bulga- ria. P. 443-446.