Systems. Methods. Technologies 2 (38) 2018
Системы Методы Технологии. Е.Г. Соколова. Модификация фенолоформальдегидной … 2018 № 2 (38) с. 111-115 115 4. Varankina G.S., Rusakov D.S., Chubinskij A.N.Bonding of plywood modified adhesives // Systems Methods Technologies. 2015. № 4 (28). P. 133-138. 5. Varankina G.S., Chubinskij A.N.Study of the mechanism of the modification of phenolic resins and urea-formaldehyde adhesives shungite sorbents//Moscow state forest university bulle- tin -Lesnoy vestnik. 2014. № 2 (101) P. 108-112. 6. Varankina G.S., Rusakov D.S.Modification of phenol resin by the by-products of sulphate pulp production //Izvestia SPbLTA. 2013. Vyp. 204. P. 130-137. 7. Ivanov A.M, Rusakov D.S., Varankina G.S., Chubinskij A.N.Modification of aluminosilicates, phenolic-formaldehyde resins for bonding plywood //Adhesives. Sealing. Technologies. 2017. № 3. P. 13-17. 8. Rusakov D.S., Varankina G.S., Chubinskij A.N.Modification of phenolic resins and urea-formaldehyde resins byproducts of pulp production // Adhesives. Sealing. Technolo- gies. 2017. № 6. P. 16-20. 9. Rusakov D.S.Modification of phenol-formaldehyde resin by products of sulfite-cellulose production // Systems Methods Tech- nologies. 2016. № 1 (29). P. 113-119. 10. Ugryumov S.A.Methods of modification of phenol- formaldehyde resins used in the manufacture of laminated wood materials. Review //Adhesives. Sealing. Technologies. 2017. № 5. P. 14-19. 11. Ugryumov S.A.The modification of urea formaldehyde re- sin oleic acid for the production of plate materials of construction use a shive // Lesa Rossii: politika, promyshlennost, nauka, obra- zovanie: materialy nauch.-tehnicheskoj konf. SPb., 2016. P. 219. 12. Ugryumov S.A.Analysis of the chemical composition and properties of wood boards on the basis of modified adhesive com- positions // Moscow state forest university bulletin - Lesnoy vest- nik. 2016. № 4. P. 42-43. 13. Ugryumov S.A.Study of the curing process of the mod- ified phenol-formaldehyde resin // Adhesives. Sealing. Technolo- gies. 2015. №5. P. 32-34. 14. Chubinskij A.N., Varankina G.S.The formation of low- toxic chipboard with the use of the modified adhesives //Forest Journal. 2013. № 6. P. 67-72. 15. Chubinskij A.N., Varankina G.S. Substantiation of the technology of bonding plywood modified adhesives //Izvestia SPbLTA. 2012. № 201. P. 185-193. 16. Chubinskij A. N., Varankina G.S., Rusakov D.S., Deni- sov S.V. The reduction for the veneer gluing process duration using fenol-formaldehyde resins //Izvestia SPbLTA. 2011. № 194. P. 121-128. 17. Kondratev V. P., Aleksandrova N.D., Chubov A. B., Za- lipaev A.A. The improvement of phenolic resins and urea- formaldehyde adhesives for the production of birch and larch plywood // Derevoobrabativaushayapromishlennost’ (Woodwork- ing industry). 2003. Vyp. 4. P. 2. 18. Kondratev V.P., Chubov A.B., Sokolova E.G. New types of effective adhesives for the production of waterproof environ- mentally friendly plywood //Izvestia SPbLTA. 2010. Vyp. 191. P. 169-179. 19. Kondratev V.P. The Russian market of resins: consump- tion growth and production // Fanera. 2015. Vyp. 1. P. 28-33. 20. Kondratev V.P., Chubov A.B., Sokolova E.G. Improve- ment of operational properties and technology of plywood in- creased water resistance //Izvestia SPbLTA. 2011. Vyp. 194. P. 116-124.