Systems. Methods. Technologies 1 (37) 2018
Системы Методы Технологии. А.А. Лапидус и др. Формирование инструмента … 2018 № 1 (37) с. 90-93 93 11. Лапидус А.А. Организационное проектирование и управление крупномасштабными инвестиционными проекта- ми. М.: Вокруг света, 1997. 224 с. 12. Chahal K.S., Emerson P. Quality control and quality as- surance in building design and construction // Journal of the insti- tution of engineers (india): architectural engineering division. oct. 2007. Vol. 88, № 29. Р. 16–20. 13. Wilde P., Coley D. The implications of a changing climate for buildings // Building and Environment. Sept. 2012. Vol. 55. P. 1-7. 14. Топчий Д.В. Организационно-технологическое моде- лирование строительно-монтажных работ при комплексной оценке результативности перепрофилирования промышлен- ных объектов: дис. … канд. техн. наук. М., 2015. 117 с. 15. Бережный А.Ю. Зависимость комплексного показателя экологической нагрузки от организационно-технологических решений при оценке воздействия строительства на окружаю- щую среду: дис. … канд. техн. наук. М., 2012. 125 с. References 1. Gusakov A.A., Bogomolov Yu.M., Brekhman A.I., Vago- nyan G.A. System techniques of the construction. 2-e izd., dop., pererab. M.: ASV, 2004. 320 p. 2. Gusakov A.A. System techniques of the construction. M.: Stroiizdat, 1993. 368 p. 3. Lapidus A.A., Shesterikova Ya.V. The Study of the Inte- grated Indicator the Quality of Works at Construction of the Ob- ject // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2017. № 3. P. 161-167. 4. Lapidus A.A., Demidov L.P. Investigation of the factors in- fluencing the potential indicator of a construction site // Proceed- ings of Moscow State University of Civil Engineering. 2014. № 4. P. 160-166. 5. Lapidus A.A. Formation of an integral potential of organi- zational and technological solutions through the decomposition of the main elements of a construction project // Proceedings of Moscow State University of Civil Engineering. 2016. № 12. P. 114-123. 6. Joseph T.L. Ooi, Thao T.T. Le, Nai Jia Lee. The impact of construction quality on house prices // Journal of Housing Eco- nomics. Dec. 2014. Vol. 26. P. 126-138. 7. Fel'dman A.O. Valuation of organizational and technologi- cal capacity of a building project formed on the basis of informa- tion flows // Technology and organization of construction produc- tion. 2014. № 4; 2015. № 1 (9). P. 52-53. 8. Froese T.M. The impact of emerging information technolo- gy on project management for construction // Automation in Con- struction. Aug. 2010. Vol. 19, № 5. P. 531-538. 9. Lapidus A.A., Govorukha P.A. Formation of factors charac- terizing the organizational and technological potential of envelop- ing // Science Review. 2016. № 14. P. 389-393. 10. Saidaev Kh. L.-A. Organizational and management model- ing of integrated assessment of the performance of construction companies: avtoref. dis. … kand. tekhn. nauk. M., 2013. 11. Lapidus A.A. Organizational design and management of large-scale investment projects. M.: Vokrug sveta, 1997. 224 p. 12. Chahal K.S., Emerson P. Quality control and quality as- surance in building design and construction // Journal of the insti- tution of engineers (india): architectural engineering division. oct. 2007. Vol. 88, № 29. P. 16-20. 13. Wilde P., Coley D. The implications of a changing climate for buildings // Building and Environment. Sept. 2012. Vol. 55. P. 1-7. 14. Topchii D.V. Organizational and technological modeling of construction and assembly works in the complex assessment of the effectiveness of the re-profiling of industrial objects: dis. … kand. tekhn. nauk. M., 2015. 117 p. 15. Berezhnyi A.Yu. Dependence of the complex index of en- vironmental load on organizational and technological solutions in assessing the impact of construction on the environment: dis. … kand. tekhn. nauk. M., 2012. 125 p.