Systems. Methods. Technologies 1 (37) 2018
Системы Методы Технологии. А.В. Сергеевичев и др. Возможные пути… 2018 № 1 (37) с. 29-35 35 ной поверхности древесины лиственницы // Системы. Мето- ды. Технологии, 2014. № 3 (23). С. 139-145. 18. Сергеевичев А.В. Затупление шлифовальных лент при обработке древесины и древесных материалов // Леса России: материалы науч.-технической конф. СПб., 2016. Т. 2. С.111-113. 19. Сергеевичев А.В., Артеменков А.М. Определение объема межзернового пространства шлифовального инстру- мента при обработке древесины и древесных материалов // Известия Санкт-Петербургской лесотехнической академии, 2017, № 219. С. 206-219. References 1. Rybin B.M., Sanaev V.G., Kirillov D.V. To the question of the choice of roughness parameters for the estimation of woods roughnesses // Moscow state forest university bulletin - Lesnoy vestnik. 2012. № 4. P. 131-137. 2. Taylor J.B. Quantification of process parameters in a wood sanding operation FPJ, 1999. Vol. 49 (5). P. 41-46. 3. Gahlin R., Jacobson S. The particle size effect in abrasion studied by controlled abrasive surfaces, 1999. Wear, vol. 224 (1). P. 118-125. 4. Kravchuk V.I. Research and development of methods for increasing the efficiency of belt sanding of wood by improving the relief of the abrasive layer: avtoref. dis. .... kand. tekhn. nauk. Kiev, 1982. 20 p. 5. Grishkevich A.A., Kostyuk O.I. Increase the period of op- eration of the grinding tool for woodworking // Mashinostroenie i mashinovedenie, 2015. № 3. P. 17-21. 6. Andres L. Carranoa, James B. Taylora. Geometric Model- ing of Engineered Abrasive Processes Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2005. Vol. 7 (1). P. 17-27. 7. Sergeevichev A.V. The Analysis of Destruction of Abra- sive Grains During the Grinding of Wood and Wood Materials // Bulletin of higher educational institutions. Lesnoy zhurnal, 2015. № 5. P. 7-15. 8. Pereladov A.B., Kamkin I.P. Determination of the tool wear regime when grinding // Izvestia VSTU, 2015. № 5. P. 24-29. 9. Matsui S., Tamaki I. Influence of the elastic displacement of grain cutting edges on grinding mechanism // Technology Re- ports. Tohoky Univ, 1976. no. 41. P. 73-88. 10. Kalinin E.P. Theory and practice of controlling the produc- tivity of abrasive processing, taking into account the blunt of the instrument: avtoref. dis. …. d-ra tekhn. nauk. SPb., 2006. 40 p. 11. Sergeevichev A.V. Formation of the surface of the wood and wooden materials by grinding: monogr. SPb.: SPbGLTU, 2015. 136 p. 12. Torlin V.N. Finishing operations in flexible automated production. Kiev: Tekhnika, 1987. 208 p. 13. Sergeevichev A.V., Artemenkov A.M. The analytical jus- tification of wear resistance of sanding belts for the purpose of increase of their working capacity // Izvestia SPbLTA, 2016. № 214. P. 190-203. 14. Novoselov Yu.K. Dynamics of the formation of surfaces in abrasive processing. Sevastopol': SevNTU, 2012. 304 p. 15. Rybin B.M., Sanaev V.G., Kirillov D.V. Standardization of Woods and Wood Materials Roughness // Lesnoi Vestnik / Forestry Bulletin, 2012. № 3 (86). P. 109-114. 16. Rybin B.M., Kirillov D.V. Assessment of the Aсtual Vo- lume of Cavities Irregularities on the Processed Surface of Wood // Forestry Bulletin, 2014. № 4 (103). P. 131-137. 17. Isaev S.P., Begunkova N.O., Begunkov O.I. The influence of cutting type and block cross-section zone on roughness of sliced surface of larch wood // Sistemy. Metody. Tekhnologii, 2014. № 3 (23). P. 139-145. 18. Sergeevichev A.V. Blunting of sanding belts when processing wood and wood materials // Lesa Rossii: materialy nauch.-tekhnicheskoi konf. SPb., 2016. T. 2. P. 111-113. 19. Sergeevichev A.V., Artemenkov A.M. Scoping of inter- granular space of thegrinding tool when processing wood and wood materials // Izvestia SPbLTA, 2017. № 219. P. 206-219.