Systems. Methods. Technologies 1 (37) 2018
Systems Methods Technologies. A.A. Galinsky et al. Influence of the parameters … 2018 № 1 (37) p. 22-28 28 14. Коленчин Н.Ф., Кусков В.Н Увеличение срока экс- плуатации нефтепромыслового оборудования за счет замены материала деталей // Изв. Самар. науч. центра Рос. акад. наук. 2011. Т. 13, № 1-2. С. 456-458. 15. Бабаханов Т.А., Кусков В.Н. Восстановление и уп- рочнение поверхности деталей нефтегазового оборудования // Новые технологии - нефтегазовому региону: сб. материа- лов Всерос. науч.-практической конф. студентов, аспирантов и молод. ученых. М., 2010. С. 55-58. References 1. Kozhin M.V., Kuskov V.N., Galinskii A.A., Kopysov G.A. Application of sintered tape LS-09Х31Н8АМ2 as antifric- tion material of bearings of pumps of nuclear reactors and ship installations // Neftegazovyi terminal: sb. nauch. st. mezhdunar. nauch.-tekhnicheskoi konf. M., 2015. P. 108-113. 2. Galinskii A.A., Kozhin M.V., Kopysov G.A., Kuskov V.N. Influence of the width of the surfaced sintered tape LS- 09Х31Н8АМ2 on the geometrical parameters of the weld bead // Sb. nauch. tr. 42-i mezhdunar. nauch.-tekhnicheskoi konf. molodykh uchenykh, aspirantov i studentov. M., 2015. T. 2. P. 157-160. 3. Galinskii A.A., Kopysov G.A., Kuskov V.N. Repair of face seals of pumps nm-10000 with the use of powder tape // Opyt, aktual'nye problemy i perspektivy razvitiya neftegazovogo kompleksa: sb. materialov V region. nauch.-prakticheskoi konf. obuchayushchikhsya, aspirantov i uchenykh. 2015. P. 261-263. 4. Galinskii A.A. Diffusion welding equipment with various types of heating // Problema funktsionirovaniya sistem transpor- ta: materialy vseros. nauch.-prakticheskoi konf. studentov, aspi- rantov i molod. uchenykh. 2012. P. 120-123. 5. Sokolov G.N., Lysak V.I. Surfacing of wear-resistant al- loys on pressing dies and tools for hot deformation of steels. Volgograd: VolgGTU, 2005. 284 p. 6. Bagrov V.A., Kal'yanov V.N. Effect of the wear-resistant surfacing method on the distribution of the strengthening phase in the deposited metal // The PATON Welding Journal . 2000. № 11. P. 44-47. 7. Belyi A.I., Zhudra A.P., Dzykovich V.I. The influence of alloying elements on the structure of a composite alloy based of tungsten carbides // The PATON Welding Journal . 2002. № 11. P. 18-11. 8. Chernyshov T.K., Chuikov M.O., Stavyshenko R.S., Chuikov S.S. Temperature effects on internal microstrain in smp from hard tooling alloys of TC group // Higher Educational Insti- tutions News Neft’ i Gas. 2014. № 5. P. 103-106. 9. Popov S.N., Antonyuk A.D. Optimization of the wear- resistant surfacing alloy of the fe-c-ti-b system for wear condi- tions with a fixed abrasive // New materials and technologies in metallurgy and machine building. 2009. № 1. P. 93-99. 10. Zhudra A.P., Belyi A.I. New composite alloys and the re- sults of research of their properties // Teoreticheskie i tekhnolo- gicheskie osnovy naplavki. Naplavlennyi metall: sb. nauch. tr. Kiev: IES im. E.O. Patona, 1977. P. 151-157. 11. Ryabtsev I.A., Kondrat'ev I.A., Vasil'ev V.G. Wear resis- tance of the weld metal of the doping system fe-c-cr-ti-mo // The PATON Welding Journal . 2002. № 4. P. 48-51. 12. Mamadaliev R.A., Kuskov V.N., Zemenkov Yu.D., Po- pova A.A. The influence of highly concentrated heat sources on the transition of the alloying elements in the weld metal // Ak- tual'nye problemy sovremennogo mashinostroeniya: sb. tr. Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakticheskoi konf. Yurg. tekhnol. in-t. Yur- ga, 2014. P. 217-220. 13. Kuskov V.N., Mamadaliev R.A., Obukhov A.G. The transition of the alloying elements in the weld metal when weld- ing steel 12X18H10T // Fundamental research. 2013. № 11-9. P. 1794-1797. 14. Kolenchin N.F., Kuskov V.N. The increase in useful life of oilfield equipment due to the replacement of material parts // Proceedings of the Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2011. T. 13, № 1-2. P. 456-458. 15. Babakhanov T.A., Kuskov V.N. Recovery and hardening of the workpiece surface oil and gas equipment // Novye tekhno- logii - neftegazovomu regionu: sb. materialov Vseros. nauch.- prakticheskoi konf. studentov, aspirantov i molod. uchenykh. M., 2010. P. 55-58.