Systems. Methods. Technologies 1 (37) 2018
Системы Методы Технологии. В.Г. Бурындин и др. Влияние температуры … 2018 № 1 (37) с. 121-125 125 6. ГОСТ 4648-71. Пластмассы. Метод испытания на ста- тический изгиб. Введ. с 1973-01-01. М.: Изд-во стандартов, 1992. 12 с. 7. ГОСТ 4670-77. Пластмасса и эбонит. Метод определе- ния твёрдости вдавливанием шарика. Введ. с 1993-01-01. М.: Изд-во стандартов, 1992. 6 с. 8. ГОСТ 4650-80. Пластмассы. Метод определения водопо- глощения. Введ. с 1980-12-01. М.: Изд-во стандартов, 1997. 7 с. 9. ГОСТ 19109-84. Пластмассы. Метод определения удар- ной вязкости по Изоду. Введ. с 1984-09-12. М.: Изд-во стан- дартов, 1984. 11 с. 10. Lisperguer J., Perez P., Urizar S. Structure and thermal properties of lignins: characterization by spectroscopy and diffe- rential scanning calorimetry // J. Chil. Chem. Soc. 2009. Vol. 54, № 4. P. 460-463. 11. Doherty W. O.S., Mousavioun P., Fellows Ch.M. Value- adding to cellulosic ethanol: Lignin polymers // Industrial Crops and Products. 2011. № 33. Р. 259-276. 12. Jasiukaityte Е., Kunaver М., Crestini С. Lignin behavior during wood liquefaction – Characterization by quantitative 31P, 13C NMR and size-exclusion chromatography // Catalysis Today. 2010. № 156. Р. 23-30. 13. ГОСТ 9.707-81. Единая система защиты от коррозии и старения. Материалы полимерные. Методы ускоренных ис- пытаний на климатическое старение. Введ. с 1983-01-01. М.: Изд-во стандартов, 1990. 80 с. 14. Walkenbach J. Excel 2013 Bible. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2013. 1059 p. 15. Артёмов А.В. Разработка технологии получения изде- лий экструзией из древесных отходов без добавления синте- тических связующих: автореф. дис. … канд. тех. наук. Екате- ринбург, 2010. 16 с. References 1. Minin A.N. Technology of piezotermoplastics. M.: Lesnaya promyshlennost', 1965. 296 p. 2. Petri V.N. Plate materials and products made of wood and other lignified residues without the addition of binders. M.: Les- naya promyshlennost', 1976. 360 p. 3. Savinovskikh A.V., Z.F. Khusnutdinova Z.F., Artemov A.V. Investigation of physical and mechanical properties of wood-composite materials without the addition of binders ob- tained on the basis of activated press raw materials // Herald of Kazan Technological University. 2014. T.17, № 17. P. 130-133. 4. Khrulev V.M., Martynov K.Ya. Durability of particle board. M.: Lesnaya promyshlennost', 1977. 168 p. 5. GOST 10634-88. Divided chipboards. Methods for deter- mining physical properties (with a change in No. 1). Vved. s 1990-01-01. M.: Izd-vo standartov, 1991. 7 p. 6. GOST 4648-71. Plastics. Static bending test method Plast- massy. Vved. s 1973-01-01. M.: Izd-vo standartov, 1992. 12 p. 7. GOST 4670-77. Plastic and ebonite. Method for determin- ing the hardness of ball pressing. Vved. s 1993-01-01. M.: Izd-vo standartov, 1992. 6 p. 8. GOST 4650-80. Plastics. Method for determination of water absorption. Vved. s 1980-12-01. M.: Izd-vo standartov, 1997. 7 p. 9. GOST 19109-84. Plastics. Method for determination of Izod impact strength. Vved. s 1984-09-12. M.: Izd-vo standartov, 1984. 11 p. 10. Lisperguer J., Perez P., Urizar S. Structure and thermal properties of lignins: characterization by spectroscopy and diffe- rential scanning calorimetry // J. Chil. Chem. Soc. 2009. Vol. 54, № 4. P. 460-463. 11. Doherty W. O.S., Mousavioun P., Fellows Ch.M. Value- adding to cellulosic ethanol: Lignin polymers // Industrial Crops and Products. 2011. № 33. P. 259-276. 12. Jasiukaityte E., Kunaver M., Crestini S. Lignin behavior during wood liquefaction - Characterization by quantitative 31P, 13C NMR and size-exclusion chromatography // Catalysis Today. 2010. № 156. P. 23-30. 13. GOST 9.707-81. Unified system of protection against cor- rosion and aging. Polymeric materials. Methods of accelerated testing for climatic aging. Vved. s 1983-01-01. M.: Izd-vo stan- dartov, 1990. 80 p. 14. Walkenbach J. Excel 2013 Bible. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2013. 1059 p. 15. Artemov A.V. Development of the technology of extru- sion from wood wastes without the addition of synthetic binders: avtoref. dis. … kand. tekh. nauk. Ekaterinburg, 2010. 16 p.