Systems. Methods. Technologies 1 (37) 2018

Systems Methods Technologies. A.V. Stepanov et al. Method for calculating …2018 № 1 (37) p. 116-120 120 7. Maggiore C., Grenfell J., Airey ., Colop A.C. 2012. Evalua- tion of Fatigue Life Using Dissipated Energy Methods // 7th RI- LEM International Conference on Cracking in Pavements: me- chanisms, modeling, testing, detection, prevention, and case histo- ries. Springer. RILEM Bookseries. 2012. Vol. 4. P. 643-652. 8. Johnston G.O. A review of probabilistic fracture mechanics literature. Reliability Engineering. 1982. № 3. Р. 423-448. 9. Rau C.A., Besuner P.M. Statistical aspects of design: risk assessment and structural safety, Philos. Trans. R. Soc., London, 1981. Ser. A 299. P. 111-130. 10. Bolotin V.V. Stochastic models of cumulative damage in composite materials, in: Progress in Fatigue and Fracture,1976. P. 103-111. 11. Morgado T.I.M. Fatigue Life Extension Study in Cast Steel Railway Couplings Used in Freight Trains// International Journal of Mechanical Engineer and Applications. Special Issue: Structural Integrity of Mechanical Components. 2015. Vol. 3, № 2-1. P. 1-6. 12. Lepikhin A., Moskvichev V., Doronin S. 1998. Statistical fracture modeling of weld joint for nuclear reactor components // Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 1998. № 29. С. 103 -107. 13. Freudenthal A.M., Shinozuka. M. Structural safety under conditions of ultimate load failure and fatigue, WaDDTR. 1961. Р. 61-77. 14. Freudenthal A.M. New aspects of fatigue and fracture mechanics, Eng. Fract. 1974. Mech. № 6. Р.775-793. 15. Kaz H.-W., Lee Y.-H., Wu P.-H. 2008. Development of Fatigue Cracking Prediction Models Using Long-Term Pavement Performance Database // Journal of Transportation Engineering. 2008. № 134 (11). Р. 477-482. 16. Ferreira A., Rui Micaelo, Souza R. 2012. Cracking Mod- els for Use in Pavement Maintenance Management // 7th RILEM International Conference on Cracking in Pavements: mechanisms, modeling, testing, detection, prevention, and case histories. Springer. RILEM Bookseries. 2012. Vol. 4. P. 429-439. 17. Питухин А.В., Петров А.Н., Марков В.И., Степанов А.В. Метод определения вероятности безотказной работы участка лесовозной автомобильной дороги вследствие уста- лостного изнашивания дорожного покрытия // Транспортное дело России. 2013. № 2 (105). С.15-18. 18. Серенсен С.В., Когаев В.П., Шендерович Р.М. Несу- щая способность и расчеты деталей машин на прочность. М.: Машиностроение, 1975. 488 с. 19. Modarres M., Kaminskiy M.P., Krivtsov V. Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis: A Practical Guide. CRC Press, 2016. 522 p. 20. Тригони В.Е., Лещицкая Т.П., Юрченко А.Н. Повы- шение долговечности асфальтобетонных слоев усиления при реконструкции аэродромов. М.: МАДИ (ТУ), 1998. 44 с. 21. Al-Qadi I.L. Hao Wang. 2009. Evaluation of pavement damage due to new tire design/ Research Report ICT. 2009. Vol. 9. № 48. 74 p. 22. Петров А.Н. Методы оценки эксплуатационной на- дежности дорожных покрытий лесовозных дорог: дис. … канд. техн. наук. Петрозаводск, 2012. 207 с. 23. Irwin G.R. Plastic zone near a crack and fracture tough- ness // 7th Sagamore Advanced Materials Research Conference. Syracuse University Press, 1960. P. IV-63-IV 78. References 1. Broek D. Elementary engineering fracture mechanics, Noordhoff, Leyden. 1974. 2. Paris P.S., Erdogan F.A. A critical analysis of crack propa- gation laus // J. Basic Engng. 1963. ASME 85D. P. 528-534. 3. Pitukhin A.V. Fracture Mechanics and Optimal Design // J. for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 1992. Vol. 34. P. 933-940. 4 Pitukhin A.V. Optimal Design Problems Using Fracture Mechanics Methods, Computers and Structures. 1997. Vol. 65. № 4. P. 621-624. 5. Maarten M. Jacobs J., Arian H. Radjan Khedoe. Determina- tion of Crack Growth Parameters of Asphalt Mixtures // 7th RI- LEM International Conference on Cracking in Pavements: me- chanisms, modeling, testing, detection, prevention, and case histo- ries. Springer. RILEM Bookseries. 2012. Vol. 4. P. 941-952. 6. Livneh M. On the Fatigue Criterion for Calculating the Thickness of Asphalt Layers // 7th RILEM International Confe- rence on Cracking in Pavements: mechanisms, modeling, testing, detection, prevention, and case histories. Springer. RILEM Book- series. 2012. Vol. 4. P. 761-770. 7. Maggiore C., Grenfell J., Airey, Colop A.C. 2012. Evalua- tion of Fatigue Life Using Dissipated Energy Methods // 7th RI- LEM International Conference on Cracking in Pavements: me- chanisms, modeling, testing, detection, prevention, and case histo- ries. Springer. RILEM Bookseries. 2012. Vol. 4. P. 643-652. 8. Johnston G.O. A review of probabilistic fracture mechanics literature. Reliability Engineering. 1982. № 3. P. 423-448. 9. Rau C.A., Besuner P.M. Statistical aspects of design: risk assessment and structural safety, Philos. Trans. R. Soc., London, 1981. Ser. A 299. P. 111-130. 10. Bolotin V.V. Stochastic models of cumulative damage in composite materials, in: Progress in Fatigue and Fracture, 1976. P. 103-111. 11. Morgado T.I.M. Fatigue Life Extension Study in Cast Steel Railway Couplings Used in Freight Trains // International Journal of Mechanical Engineer and Applications. Special Issue: Structural Integrity of Mechanical Components. 2015. Vol. 3, № 2-1. P. 1-6. 12. Lepikhin A., Moskvichev V., Doronin S. 1998. Statistical frac- ture modeling of weld joint for nuclear reactor components // Theoreti- cal and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 1998. №29. P. 103-107. 13. Freudenthal A.M., Shinozuka. M. Structural safety under conditions of ultimate load failure and fatigue, WaDDTR. 1961. P. 61-77. 14. Freudenthal A.M. New aspects of fatigue and fracture me- chanics, Eng. Fract. 1974. Mech. № 6. P. 775-793. 15. Kaz H.-W., Lee Y.-H., Wu P.-H. 2008. Development of Fatigue Cracking Prediction Models Using Long-Term Pavement Performance Database // Journal of Transportation Engineering. 2008. № 134 (11). P. 477-482. 16. Ferreira A., Rui Micaelo, Souza R. 2012. Cracking Mod- els for Use in Pavement Maintenance Management // 7th RILEM International Conference on Cracking in Pavements: mechanisms, modeling, testing, detection, prevention, and case histories. Sprin- ger. RILEM Bookseries. 2012. Vol. 4. P. 429-439. 17. Pitukhin A.V., Petrov A.N., Markov V.I., Stepanov A.V. A method of determining the probability of the plot of the leso- vozny highway due to the fatigue wear of pavement // Transport business of Russia. 2013. № 2 (105). P. 15-18. 18. Serensen S.V., Kogaev V.P., Shenderovich R.M. Bearing capacity and calculations of machine parts for strength. M.: Ma- shinostroenie, 1975. 488 p. 19. Modarres M., Kaminskiy M.P., Krivtsov V. Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis: A Practical Guide. CRC Press, 2016. 522 p. 20. Trigoni V.E., Leshchitskaya T.P., Yurchenko A.N. Im- proving the durability of asphalt layers of amplification in the reconstruction of airfields. M.: MADI (TU), 1998. 44 p. 21. Al-Qadi I.L. Hao Wang. 2009. Evaluation of pavement damage due to new tire design/ Research Report ICT. 2009. Vol. 9. № 48. 74 p. 22. Petrov A.N. Methods of assessment of operational relia- bility of road surfaces logging roads: dis. … kand. tekhn. nauk. Petrozavodsk, 2012. 207 p. 23. Irwin G.R. Plastic zone near a crack and fracture tough- ness // 7th Sagamore Advanced Materials Research Conference. Syracuse University Press, 1960. P. IV-63-IV78.