Systems. Methods. Technologies 4(36) 2017

Системы Методы Технологии . Д . П . Алейников и др . Анализ вибрационных …2017 № 4 (36) с . 71-77 77 рабатывающих центров // Вестн . Иркут . гос . техн . ун - та . 2015. № 2 (97). С . 28-35. 20. Campatelli G., Scippa A. Prediction of milling cutting force coefficients for Aluminum 6082-T4. Conference on High Performance Cutting. 2012. P. 563-568. References 1. Aleinikov D.P., Luk'yanov A.V. Monitoring the state of dynamic machining center// Air-transport engineering of Siberia // Materialy VII Vserossiiskoi nauch.-prakticheskoi konf. «Aviama- shinostroenie i transport Sibiri»: sb. st. Irkutsk, 2016. P. 197-200. 2. Luk'yanov A.V., Aleinikov D.P., Portnoi A.Yu. System of control of emergency situations of machining center by vibra-tion and stress // Bulletin of Irkutsk State Technical University . 2017. T. 21, № 4 (123). P. 30-38. 3. Aleinikov D.P., Luk'yanov A.V. Modeling of the cutting forces and determination vibrodiagnostics symptoms of defects of end mills // Systems. Methods. Technologies . 2017. № 1 (33). P. 39-47. 4. Nagornyi V.B. Monitoring the dynamic state of the metal- working technological system and forecasting its resource: mo- nogr. M., 2016. 242 p. 5. Kozhevnikov D.V., Kirsanov S.V. Cutting materials. M.: Mashinostroenie, 2007. 304 p. 6. Barkov A.V. Monitoring and diagnostics of rotary ma- chines by vibration // Sudostroenie. 1985. № 3. P. 21-23. 7. Shindovskii E., Shchyurts O. Statistical methods of quality management: per. s nem. M.: Mir, 1976. 597 p. 8. Chashchin N.S., Ivanov Yu.N., Sidorova A.V., Semenov E.N., Sturov A.A. Investigation of the technology of processing holes of small diameters in a poly-dimensional composite material on a robotic complex // Bulletin of Irkutsk State Technical Uni- versity . 2017. T. 21, № 6 (125). P. 39-48. 9. Chashchin N.S., Ivanov Yu.N. Processing of openings in mixed packages by the method of orbital drilling // Bulletin of Irkutsk State Technical University. 2015. № 11 (106). P. 44-49. 10. Kokren U. Methods of selective research / pod red A.G. Volkova; per s angl. I.M. Sonina. M.: Statistika, 1976. 440 p. 11. Non-destructive testing / pod obshch. red. V.V. Klyueva. M.: Mashinostroenie, 2005. T. 8. 789 p. 12. Grigor'ev S.N., Gurin V.D., Kozochkin M.P. Diagnosis of computer-aided manufacturing. M.: Mashinostroenie, 2011. 600 p. 13. Semenov E.N., Belomestnykh A.S., Sidorova A.V. A study of the frequency characteristics of the robot Kuka kr210 r2700 extra // Aviamashinostroenie i transport Sibiri: sb. st. vse- ros. molod. nauch.-prakticheskoi konf. M., 2016. P. 252-257. 14. Sidorova A.V. Model of accuracy control processing in the operation of milling edges on the RTK // Aviamashinostroenie i transport sibiri: materialy IX Vseros. nauch.-prakticheskoi konf. / Irkut. nats. issled. tekhn. un-t. Irkutsk, 2017. P. 246-250. 15. Sidorova A.V. Investigation of hole machining PKM on RTK, defect deviation from roundness // Aviamashinostroenie i transport Sibiri: materialy Vseros. molod. nauch.- prakticheskoi konf. M., 2016. P. 258-262. 16. Savilov A.V., Pyatykh A.S. Vibration effect on accuracy and quality of hole surface under drilling // Bulletin of Irkutsk State Technical University. 2013. № 12. P. 23-25. 17. Savilov A.V., Pyatykh A.S. The identification cutting force coefficients for simulation of the machining // Proceedings of the Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2015. T. 17, № 2. P. 211-216. 18. Luk'yanov A.V., Aleinikov D.P. Research of vibration machining center in milling mode // Systems. Methods. Technol- ogies . 2014. № 1 (21). P. 96-101. 19. Aleinikov D.P., Luk'yanov A.V. Studying fixation dynam- ics of machining center spindle vibration sensors // Bulletin of Irkutsk State Technical University . 2015. № 2 (97). P. 28-35. 20. Campatelli G., Scippa A. Prediction of milling cutting force coefficients for Aluminum 6082-T4. Conference on High Performance Cutting. 2012. P. 563-568.