Systems. Methods. Technologies 4(36) 2017

Systems Methods Technologies. A.E. Pashkov et al. Efficiency evaluation … 2017 № 4 (36) p. 60-66 66 17. Савилов А . В ., Пятых А . С . Влияние вибраций на точ - ность и качество поверхности отверстий при сверлении // Вестн . Иркут . гос . техн . ун - та . 2013. № 12 (83). С . 103–111. 18. Чащин Н . С ., Иванов Ю . Н ., Сидорова А . В ., Семенов Е . Н ., Стуров А . А . Исследование технологии обработки от - верстий малых диаметров в полимерном композиционном материале на робототехническом комплексе // Вестн . Иркут . гос . техн . ун - та . 2017. Т . 21, № 6 (125). С . 39-48. 19. Алейников Д . П ., Лукьянов А . В . Моделирование сил резания и определение вибродиагностических при - знаков дефектов концевых фрез // Системы . Методы . Технологии . 2017. № 1 (33). С . 39-47. 20. Савилов А . В ., Пятых А . С . Определение коэффициен - тов сил резания для моделирования процесса сверления // Системы . Методы . Технологии . 2016. № 2 (30). С . 69-73. References 1. Shtuchnyi B.P. Machining of plastics. M.: Mashinostroenie, 1974. 144 p. 2. Stepanov A.A. Prospects for the development of cutting structural materials. M.: TsN NTO mashproma, 1980. P. 254-255. 3. Stepanov A.A. Cutting of high-strength composite polymer materials. L.: Mashinostroenie, Leningr. otd-nie, 1987. 176 p. 4. Ashrafi S.A., Sharif S., Farid A. A., Yahya M. Performance evaluation of carbide tools in drilling CFRP-Al stacks // Journal of Composite Materials. 2013. № 1-14. P. 236-241. 5. Chigrinets E.G., Sibirskii V.V., Shevtsov S.N. Experimen- tal study of the hole quality in a layered composite of GRP- titanium, data on drilling operations // Engineering journal of Don. E-journal. 2015. T. 37, № 3. P. 155. 6. Ghasemi F.A., Hyvadi A., Payganeh G., Arab N.B.M. Ef- fects of Drilling Parameters on Delamination of Glass-Epoxy Composites // Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 2011. № 5. P. 1433-1440. 7. Isbilir O., Ghassemieh E. Delamination and wear in drilling of carbon-fiber reinforced plastic composites using multilayer TiAlN // TiN PVD-coated tungsten carbide tools//Journal of Rein- forced Plastics and Composites. 2012. № 31 (10). P. 717-727. 8. Ivanov Yu.N., Chapyshev A.P., Kaverzin E.Ya. Experi- mental Study of Thermal Expansion Effect of Machined Materials under Dry Drilling of Holes in Packages of “Polymeric Compo- site Material–Titanium Alloy” Structure // Bulletin of Irkutsk State Technical University. 2013. № 10 (81). P. 36-42. 9. Ismail S.O., Dhakal H.N., Ojo S.O. Thermo-mechanical modelling of FRP cross-ply composite laminates drilling: Dela- mination damage analysis // Composites Part B. 2017. Vol. 108. P. 45-52. 10. Davim J.P., Reis P. Study of delamination in drilling car- bon fiber reinforced plastics (cfrp) using design experiments // Composite Structures. 2003. T. 59, № 4. P. 481-487. 11. Krishnamoorthy A., Rajendra Boopathy S., Palanikumar K. Delamination analysis in drilling of cfrp composites using response surface methodology // Journal of Composite Materials. 2009. T. 43, № 24. P. 2885-2902. 12. Melentiev R., Priarone P.C., Robiglio M., Settineri L. Ef- fects of tool geometry and process parameters on delamination in cfrp drilling: an overview // Procedia CIRP 3rd. ("3rd CIRP Con- ference on Surface Integrity, CIRP CSI 2016"). 2016. P. 31-34. 13. Chashchin N.S., Ivanov Yu.N. Processing of openings in mixed packages by the method of orbital drilling // Bulletin of Irkutsk State Technical University. 2015. № 11 (106). P. 44-49. 14. Shyha I., Soo S.L., Aspinwall D.K., Bradley S., Dawson S., Pretorius C.J. Drilling of titanium/cfrp/aluminium stacks // Key Engineering Materials. 2010. Vol. 447; 448. P. 624-633. 15. Zitoune R., Krishnaraj V., Collombet F. Study of drilling of composite material and aluminium stack // Composite Struc- tures. 2010. Vol. 92, № 5. P. 1246-1255. 16. Kolesnyk V., Kryvoruchko D., Hatala M., Mital D., Huty- rova Z., Duplak J., Alowa M. The effect of cutting temperature on carbide drilling life in the process of cfrp/steel stacks drilling // Manufacturing Technology. 2015. Vol. 15, № 3. P. 357-362. 17. Savilov A.V., Pyatykh A.S. Influence of vibration on the accuracy and quality of the hole surface during drilling // Bulletin of Irkutsk State Technical University. 2013. № 12 (83). P. 103-111. 18. Chashchin N.S., Ivanov Yu.N., Sidorova A.V., Semenov E.N., Sturov A.A. Investigation of the technology of processing holes of small diameters in a poly-dimensional composite material on a robotic complex // Bulletin of Irkutsk State Technical Uni- versity. 2017. T. 21, № 6 (125). P. 39-48. 19. Aleinikov D.P., Luk'yanov A.V. The system of cutting forces and the determination of vibrodiagnostic signs of defects of end mills // Systems. Methods. Technologies. 2017. № 1 (33). P. 39-47. 20. Savilov A.V., Pyatykh A.S. Determination of the cutting force factors for modeling the drilling process // Systems. Me- thods. Technologies. 2016. № 2 (30). P. 69-73.