Systems. Methods. Technologies 4(36) 2017
Системы . Методы . Технологии 2017 № 4 (36) 5 CONTENT ISSUES OF MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING SCIENCE S.V. Eliseev, V.B. Kashuba, Q.T. Vuong, N.Zh. Kinash. Interaction of external disturbances – the possibilities of changing dynamic properties of mechanical oscillation systems A.V. Eliseev, A.I. Orlenko, I.S. Sitov. Mathematical models of contact interactions on the stages of motion with a gap A.V. Eliseev, S.V. Eliseev. Dyad as a basis of formation of mechanical oscillation systems L.A. Bokhoeva, E.B. Bochektueva. Modeling the influence of stress on structural transformations in structural elements during heat treatment V.N. Anferov, R.K. Kovalenko. The choice of criterion for evaluating the anti-seizing property of spiroid gearing S.Yu. Trutaev. Methodology for diagnosing defects in industrial equipment with the help of natural frequencies spectra A.E. Pashkov, Yu.N. Ivanov, N.S. Chaschin, V.O. Ivanova. Efficiency evaluation of the use of carbide and diamond tool for processing holes in mixed packages A.M. Almohammad, E.A. Sorokin, N.P. Kulikova. To estimation of elements cooling efficiency in a hydraulic drive with an irrigation device D.P. Aleynikov, A.V. Lukyanov. Analysis of vibration parameters of end mills wearing V.A. Koronatov. A new rolling theory based on the description of the motion of the driving wheel of a locomotive (car) A.H. Fayzov, S.N. Gerasimov, L.A. Mamaev. Modeling the smoothing modes ensuring absence of microdefects of the concrete surface V.Yu. Skeeba, V.V. Ivancivsky. Mode of deformation analysis of the designed knee joint endoprostheses A.S. Kozhevnikov , Yu.N. Alpatov, V.K. Elsukov. The introduction of a rigid sphere and a rough surface in polymer layer MODELING AND CONTROL IN MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Yu.N. Bulatov, A.V. Kryukov. Elimination of flicker in networks with distributed generators on the basis of coordinated adjustment of regulators V.A. Shakirov A technique for estimating global solar radiation on inclined surfaces using multi-year archives of meteorological data K.E. Lisitskiy. The method of successive approximations in solving problems of analytical description of numerical data S.I. Nozhko, А . А . Veregitin, D.N. Demichev, A.V. Gulyaev. Some aspects of calcining raw petroleum cokes for the needs of the aluminum industry MODERN TECHNOLOGIES P.V. Byrdin, V.A. Vovk. Theoretical and experimental studies of the fracture mechanism of the device for the extraction of kernels from pine nuts A.V. Seredyuk, N.V. Vyvodtsev. Optimization of the productivity of oak planting 7 18 25 39 45 52 60 67 71 78 87 93 102 108 115 122 127 134 139