Systems. Methods. Technologies 4(36) 2017

Systems Methods Technologies. L.A. Bokhoeva et al. Modeling the influence … 2017 № 4 (36) p. 39-44 44 13. Лошкарев В . Е . К вопросу об изменении предела теку - чести стали в процессе распада аустенита // Металловедение и термическая обработка металлов . 1988. № 1. С . 59-60. 14. Морозов Н . П . Производство и эксплуатация крупных опорных валков . М .: Металлургия , 1977. 77 с . 15. Термопрочность деталей машин / под ред . И . А . Бирге - ра , Б . Ф . Шорра . М .: Машиностроение , 1975. 456 с . 16. Вафин Р . К ., Покровский А . М ., Лешковцев В . Г . Проч - ность термообрабатываемых прокатных валков . М .: Изд - во . МГТУ им . Н . Э . Баумана , 2004. 264 с . 17. Работнов Ю . Н . Ползучесть элементов конструкций . М .: Наука , 1966. 752 с . 18. Лешковцев В . Г ., Покровский А . М . Применение сталей с высокой прокаливаемостью для изготовления крупногаба - ритных прокатных валков // Металловедение и термическая обработка металлов . 2007. № 11. С . 40-44. 19. Bakota A., Iskierka S. Numerical analysis of phase trans- formations and residual stresses in steel cone-shaped elements hardened by induction and flame methods // Int. Journal Mech. Sci. 1999. Vol. 40, № 6. P. 617-629. 20. Лешковцев В . Г ., Покровский А . М Расчет закалочных напряжений в стальных деталях с учетом упруговязкопласти - ческих свойств и изменения фазового состава // Изв . АН . Механика твердого тела . 1999. № 2. С . 101-107. References 1. Bochektueva E.B., Pokrovskii A.M., Leshkovtsev V.G., Polushin A.A. Modeling of structural state and stresses in rolling rolls during induction hardening // Metal Science and Heat Treatment. 2010. № 9. P. 40-43. 2. Bochektueva E.B., Bokhoeva L.A. Mathematical modeling of structure formation during heat treatment in structural elements // Sb. nauch. tr. BGU. Ser. Mekhanika konstruktsii i materialov (kompozitsionnye materialy i nanomaterialy). Ulan-Ude, 2016. P. 75-83. 3. Bochektueva E.B. Numerical determination of stress-strain state in rolls and counter-flexing forces in a four-high rolling stand mill // Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical Uni- versity. Series Mechanical Engineering. 2010. № 1 (78). P. 45-53. 4. Bokhoeva L.A. Destruction of laminated plates with defects under compression // Bulletin of the Buryat State University. 2006. № 5. P. 91. 5. Rogov V.E., Bokhoeva L.A., Radnatarov V.T. Reducing the wear of motor components by polymer additions // Russian Engineering Research. 2017. Vol. 37, № 1. P. 32-34. 6. Pokrovskii A.M., Bochektueva E.B. Calculation of anti- bending forces of a quart rolling mill taking into account residual thermal stresses in rolls // Rolling. 2009. № 2. P. 14-18. 7. Yarema S.Ya. Methodology for determining the resistance characteristics of the development of cracks (crack resistance) of materials under cyclic loading // Materials Science. 1981. № 4. P. 100-110. 8. Pokrovskii A.M., Chermoshentseva A.S. Evaluation of the survivability of an elongated plate with a transverse semielliptical crack // Proceedings of Higher Educational Institutions. 2014. № 3 (648). P. 42-46. 9. Pokrovskii A.M., Ryzhikov A.V. Mathematical modeling of temperature, phase-structural and stressed states in the process of surfacing a bimetallic rolling roll // Mekhanika i matemati- cheskoe modelirovanie v tekhnike: sb. tez. M., 2016. P. 258-261. 10. Coupard D., Palinluk T., Ji V. Residual stresses during in- duction hardening of steel surface // Materials Science and Engi- neering. 2008. 487, № 1-2. P. 328-339. 11. Malinin N.N. Creep in metal processing. M.: Mashino- stroenie, 1986. 222 p. 12. Parton V.Z., Morozov E.M. Mechanics of elastic-plastic failure. M.: Nauka, 1985. 505 p. 13. Loshkarev V.E. To the question of the change in the yield strength of steel during the decay of austenite // Metal Science and Heat Treatment. 1988. № 1. P. 59-60. 14. Morozov N.P. Production and operation of large support rolls. M.: Metallurgiya, 1977. 77 p. 15. Thermal strength of machine parts / pod red. I.A. Birgera, B.F. Shorra. M.: Mashinostroenie, 1975. 456 p. 16. Vafin R.K., Pokrovskii A.M., Leshkovtsev V.G. Strength of heat-treated rolls. M.: Izd-vo. MGTU im. N.E. Baumana, 2004. 264 p. 17. Rabotnov Yu.N. Creep of structural elements. M.: Nauka, 1966. 752 p. 18. Leshkovtsev V.G., Pokrovskii A.M. The use of steels with high hardenability for the manufacture of large-sized rolling rolls // Metal Science and Heat Treatment. 2007. № 11. P. 40-44. 19. Bakota A., Iskierka S. Numerical analysis of phase trans- formations and residual stresses in steel cone-shaped elements hardened by induction and flame methods // Int. Journal Mech. Sci. 1999. Vol. 40, № 6. P. 617-629. 20. Leshkovtsev V.G., Pokrovskii A.M Calculation of harden- ing stresses in steel parts taking into account elastic-visco-plastic properties and changes in the phase composition // Mechanics of Solids. 1999. № 2. P. 101-107.