Systems. Methods. Technologies 4(36) 2017

Systems Methods Technologies. A.V. Eliseev et al. Mathematical models … 2017 № 4 (36) p. 18-24 24 Sustainability of modern railway(ISMR'2014) / Irkutsk State Transport University. Irkutsk: Publishing by Irkutsk State Trans- port University. 2014. P. 181-185. 20. Ситов И . С ., Елисеев А . В . Теоретические основы про - цессов взаимодействия материальной частицы с вибрирую - щей поверхностью с неудерживающими связями // Системы . Методы . Технологии . 2012. № 4 (16). С . 19-29. References 1. Karnovsky I.A., Lebed E. Theory of Vibration Protection, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2016. 708 p. 2. Rocard Y. General Dynamics of Vibrations. Paris: Masson, 1949. 458 p. 3. Clarence W. de Silva. Vibration. Fundamentals and Prac- tice. Boca Raton, London; New York; Washington D.C.: CRC Press, 2000. 957 p. 4. Harris S.M., Srede S.E. Shock and Vibration Handbook. New York: McGraw - Hill Book So, 2002. 1457 p. 5. Front Matter, In Power Electronics Handbook (Fourth Edi- tion), edited by Muhammad H. Rashid, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2018. 1510 p. 6. Blekhman I.I. The Theory of vibrational processes and de- vices. Vibrational mechanics and vibrational technique. SPb.: ID «Ruda i Metally», 2013. 640 p. 7. Panovko G.Ya. Dynamics of vibrational technological processes. M.; Izhevsk: NITs «Regularnaya i khaoticheskaya dinamika»: In-t komp. tekhnol., 2006. 176 p. 8. Eliseev A.V., Sel'vinskii V.V., Eliseev S.V. Dynamics of a vibratory interaction of elements of technological systems subject to unilateral constraints relations: monogr. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2015. 332 p. 9. Kopylov Yu.R. Dynamics of vibroimpact hardening: mo- nogr. Voronezh: IPTs «Nauchnaya kniga», 2011. 568 p. 10. Goncharevich I.F., Frolov K.V. Theory of vibration tech- nique. M.: Nauka, 1981. 320 p. 11. Orlenko A.I., Petrov M.N., Teregulov O.A. Complex di- agnostics of traction motor of electric locomotive: monogr. Kras- noyarsk, 2016. 218 p. 12. Avilov V.D. Optimization of the switching process in the collector electric DC machines: monogr. Omsk, 2013. 356 p. 13. Avilov V.D. Effect of the ratio of air gaps in the magnetic circuit of the additional poles of the traction and other electric cars in terms of switching // Puti povysheniya energeticheskoi effektivnosti magistral'nykh elektrovozov: mezhvuz. tem. sb. nauch. tr. / OmIIT. Omsk, 1984. P. 55-61. 14. Karasev M.F., Belyaev V.P., Avilov V.D., Kozlov V.N., Trushkov A.M., Eliseev S.V. Optimum switching machines of alternating current: monogr. Irkutsk: Irkut. gos. un-t putei soobsh- cheniya, 1967. 180 p. 15. Eliseev S.V., Lotkin O.I. The conditions of existence and breach of contact for systems with unilateral constraints such // Tr. OMIITa. 1966. Vyp. 69. P. 93-99. 16. Eliseev A.V., Artyunin A.I., Eliseev S.V. Generalized gap function in the dynamic interaction problems of elements of vi- brational technological machines with “not holding” ties // Vi- broengineering PROCEDIA. KAUNAS, LITHUANIA. October 2016, Vol. 8. P. 495-500. 17. Eliseev A.V. Features of the interaction of material par- ticles from the vibrating surface depending on the additional hand with unilateral constraints communication // International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research. 2013. № 3. P. 9-15. 18. Eliseev A.V., Artyunin A.I., Sigachev N.P., Sitov I.S. Un- ilateral constraints in vibrating technological processes: mathe- matical models, features of interaction of elements // The fifth International Symposium on Innovation and Sustainability of Modern Railway (ISMR'2016) / Nanchang,China, October, 20-21. 2016. P.261-269 19. Eliseev A.V., Sitov I.S. Model problems of dynamics of mechanical vibration systems with unilateral constraints // Pro- ceedings of the fourth international symposium on innovation & Sustainability of modern railway (ISMR'2014) / Irkutsk State Transport University. Irkutsk: Publishing by Irkutsk State Trans- port University. 2014. P. 181-185. 20. Sitov I.S., Eliseev A.V. Theoretical basis of the interaction of the material particle with a vibrating surface with unilateral constraints such // Systems. Methods. Technologies . 2012. № 4 (16). P. 19-29.