Systems. Methods. Technologies 4(36) 2017
Системы . Методы . Технологии 2017 № 4 (36) 193 V.A. Nosenko, V.N. Tyshkevich, A.V. Sarazov, S.V. Orlov. The algorithm of optimal conditions determination for flat grinding of non-rigid workpieces, № 1 (33), р . 34 P.M. Ogar, D.B. Gorokhov, E.V. Ugryumova. On the issue of Mayer index definition for the tasks of elastic-plastic sphere indentation, № 1 (33), р . 29 P.M. Ogar, D.B. Gorokhov, V.K. Elsukov. Elastic contact of a rigid rough surface with a low-modulus half-space, № 2 (34), р . 7 P.M. Ogar, D.B. Gorokhov, V.K. Elsukov. Ensuring tightness of fixed joints with low-modulus materials, № 3 (35), р . 7 P.M. Ogar, D.B. Gorokhov, V.K. Elsukov. Criteria for the appearance of plastic deformations when rough surfaces contacting in technological equipment joints, № 3 (35), р . 32 S.P. Ozornin, I.E. Berdnikov. Modeling the processes of the technical service system of transport-technological machines in order to improve its functioning, № 2 (34), р . 13 A.E. Pashkov, Yu.N. Ivanov, N.S. Chaschin, V.O. Ivanova. Efficiency evaluation of the use of carbide and diamond tool for processing holes in mixed packages, № 4 (36), р . 60 V.Yu. Skeeba, V.V. Ivancivsky. Mode of deformation analysis of the designed knee joint endoprostheses, № 4 (36), р . 93 S.Yu. Trutaev. Methodology for diagnosing defects in industrial equipment with the help of natural frequencies spectra, № 4 (36), 52. A.H. Fayzov, S.N. Gerasimov, L.A. Mamaev. Modeling the smoothing modes ensuring absence of microdefects of the concrete surface, № 4 (36), р . 87 MODELING AND CONTROL IN MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Yu.N. Alpatov, L.V. Verevkin, V.A. Lisienko. Creation of a transfer function of system on Mezon's formula in a symbolical form, № 1 (33), р . 48 G.A. Bolshanin, E.G. Skulina. Transmission of low-quality electrical energy through a single-wire power line, № 2 (34), р . 80 Yu.N. Bulatov, A.V. Kryukov, E.A. Alekseenko. Emergency operation modeling in power supply systems equipped with installations of distributed generation, № 1 (33), р . 54 Yu.N. Bulatov, V.P. Zakaryukin, A.V. Kryukov, E.A. Alekseenko. Modeling of normal and emergency modes of traction power systems equipped with series capacity installations, № 2 (34), р . 47 Yu.N. Bulatov, A.V. Kryukov. Influence of nonlinear and unbalanced loads on performance of distributed generators, № 3 (35), р . 40 Yu.N. Bulatov, A.V. Kryukov. Elimination of flicker in networks with distributed generators on the basis of coordinated adjustment of regulators, № 4 (36), р . 108 I.V. Evdokimov, A.S. Mikhalev, A.M. Otto. Using the MATLAB System Identification Toolbox to build mathematical models of the Zadeh filter class, № 3 (35), р . 64 D.K. Eltyshev. To the question of developing intelligent expert-diagnostic system for assessing the electrical equipment condition, № 3 (35), р . 57 A.V. Emashov. Tasks of designing algorithms for searching failures of analog industrial objects, № 1 (33), р . 85 A.N. Kudryashov, A.D. Mekhryakov, O.N. Kochetkova. Features of co-combustion of coal and wood waste, № 1 (33), р . 78 A.N. Kudryashov, I.I. Aizenberg, N.E. Bujnov , S.N. Sushko. Expert assessment of the impact of changes in steam parameters on the durability of the main elements of power equipment, operating under creep conditions, № 2 (34), р . 74