Systems. Methods. Technologies 4(36) 2017
Systems. Methods. Technologies 2017 № 4 (36) 192 CONTENT OF THE ISSUES OF «SYSTEMS METHODS TECHNOLOGIES» IN 2017 ISSUES OF MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING SCIENCE D.P. Aleynikov, A.V. Lukyanov. Cutting forces modeling and vibration diagnostics of signs of end mills defects, № 1 (33), р . 39 D.P. Aleynikov, A.V. Lukyanov. Determination of vibration limits values based on statistical processing of monitoring data of the machining center, № 3 (35), р . 14 D.P. Aleynikov, A.V. Lukyanov. Analysis of vibration parameters of end mills wearing, № 4 (36), р . 71 A.M. Almohammad, E.A. Sorokin, N.P. Kulikova. To estimation of elements cooling efficiency in a hydraulic drive with an irrigation device, № 4 (36), р .67 V.N. Anferov, R.K. Kovalenko. The choice of criterion for evaluating the anti-seizing property of spiroid gearing, № 4 (36), р . 45 S.V. Belokobyl'skii, A.V. Eliseev, I.S. Sitov, A.I. Artyunin. On the issue of mathematical model of chain mechanical system, № 1 (33), р . 7 L.A. Bokhoeva, E.B. Bochektueva. Modeling the influence of stress on structural transformations in structural elements during heat treatment, № 4 (36), р . 39 S.V. Eliseev, V.B. Kashuba, Q.T. Vuong, N.Zh. Kinash. Interaction of external disturbances – the possibilities of changing dynamic properties of mechanical oscillation systems, № 4 (36), р . 7 A.V. Eliseev, A.I. Orlenko, I.S. Sitov. Mathematical models of contact interactions on the stages of motion with a gap, № 4 (36), р . 18 A.V. Eliseev, S.V. Eliseev. Dyad as a basis of formation of mechanical oscillation systems, № 4 (36), р . 39 I.M. Efremov, A.N. Lobanova, E.V. Popov, V.V. Belov, O.E. Strozenko, E.A. Maltsev. Rotary vibratory mixer with single frequency vibrator of spherical type of body of five hemispheres rotation, № 3 (35), р . 20 E.V. Zenkov, L.B. Tsvik. Update of the equations of the limit state of the structural materials with the realization of their deformation, № 2 (34), р . 28 G.A. Ivashchenko, V.I. Yakunin, L.B. Grigorevsky. Influence of descriptive geometry on the development of machine building, № 2 (34), р . 41 N.Zh. Kinash, V.B. Kashuba, D.H. Nguyen. Modes of dynamic damping in systems with multiple degrees of freedom, № 1 (33), р . 19 A.S. Kozhevnikov , Yu.N. Alpatov, V.K. Elsukov. The introduction of a rigid sphere and a rough surface in polymer layer, № 4 (36), р . 102 V.A. Koronatov, S.N. Gerasimov. Vibratory-rotary immersion of a disc in a plastic medium and phenomenon of atypical deterministic chaos, № 2 (34), р . 21 V.A. Koronatov. A new rolling theory based on the description of the motion of the driving wheel of a locomotive (car), № 4 (36), р . 78 L.A. крышки Mamaev, S.N. Gerasimo, A.H. Fayzov. Review and analysis первом of existing roller доказн working вращения bodies of concrete finishing machines, № 3 (35), р . 24 Nguyen Duc Huynh. On the influence of a dynamic vibration damper on the distribution of the amplitude of motion of the points of the vibration machine working member, № 2 (34), р . 35