Systems. Methods. Technologies 4(36) 2017
Системы Методы Технологии . Г . П . Плотникова и др . Разработка состава … 2017 № 4 (36) с . 169-175 175 4. Chubinskii M.A. Bioproofness of wood of a larch: avtoref. dis. … kand. biol. nauk. SPb., 2003. 16 p. 5. Chubinskii A.N., Medov V.S., Slavik Yu.Yu. To a question of assessment of durability of glued wooden designs // Izvestia SPbLTA. 2013. Vyp. 203. P. 128-134. 6. Chauzov K.V., Chubinskii M.A., Shumyakova N., Varan- kina G.S., Chubinskii A.N. Properties of a glued bar on the mod- ified binding. Modern problems of processing of wood. SPb.: SPbGLTU, 2015. P. 55-60. 7. Chauzov K.V., Varankina G.S. Larch wood pasting process research composite glue // Izvestia SPbLTA. 2014. Vyp. 208. P. 111-120. 8. Chauzov K.V. Formation of glued wooden bars with use of the modified binding: avtoref. dis. … kand. tekhn. nauk. SPb.: SPbGLTU, 2015. 20 p. Tambi A.A., Chubinskii A.N., Varankina G.S., Brutyan K.G., Fedyaev A.A. Way of quality control of glue connection: pat. 2439538, Ros. Federatsiya; zayavl. 14.10.10; opubl. 10.01.12, Byul. № 1-3 p. Chubinskii A.N., Tambi A.A. A control method of glue con- nections in the course of production of glued bars from whole wood // Izvestia SPbLTA. 2008. Vyp. 185. P. 208-213. 9. Plotnikova G.P. Improvement of the production technology of wood chipboards on the basis of modified binding with use of sub-standard wood: dis. … kand. tekhn. nauk. Bratsk, 2011. 149 p. 10. Plotnikova G.P., Plotnikov N.P., Aksyutenkova N.Yu. Re- search of physical and chemical properties of two-component paints and varnishes // Systems Methods Technologies 2013. № 4 (20). P. 129-133. 11. Tambi A.A., Chubinskii A.N., Chauzov K.V., Kul'kov A.M. Reserch of adhesive bond of wood // Forestry Bulletin. 2016. V. 20, № 2. P. 120-126. 12. Chubinskii A.N., Medov V.S. Justification of testing me- thod of wood adhesive joints shearing strength // Izvestia SPbLTA. 2015. Vyp. 210. P. 180-189 13. Chubinskii A.N., Ermolaev B.V., Sosna L.M. Pine proper- ties of a surface of wood in interaction with liquid adhesive // Dere- voobrabativaushaya promishlennost’ (Woodworking industry). 2003. № 1. P. 25. 14. Chubinskii A.N. Formation of glue compounds of wood: monogr. SPb.: SPbGU, 1992. 168 p. 15. Chubinskii A.N., Fedyaev A.A.,Tambi A.A. Influence of density of wood on quality of formation of glue connections // Iz- vestia SPbLTA. 2011. Vyp. 195. P. 142-149. 16. Chubinskii A.N., Tambi A.A., Fedyaev A.A. Influence of a structure and properties of wood on durability of her pasting // Izvestia SPbLTA. 2010. Vyp. 190. P. 155-163. 19. Plotnikova G.P., Plotnikov N.P. Optimization of technolo- gical process of production of wood chipboards on modified bind- ing with use of sub-standard raw materials // The Bulletin of Kras- GAU. 2013. № 9. P. 249-256.