Systems. Methods. Technologies 4(36) 2017

Системы Методы Технологии . С . И . Ножко и др . Некоторые аспекты … 2017 № 4 (36) с . 127-133 133 References 1. Vogt F., Tonti R., Edwards L.C. Global Trends in Anode Grade Coke Availability & Quality for Australasian Aluminium In- dustry // Proc. 7-th Aust. Al Smelting Workshop. 2001. P. 58-68. 2. Edwards L.C., Neyrey K.J., Lossius L.P. A Rewiew of Coke and Anode Desulfurization // Light Metals. 2007. P. 895-900. 3. Adams A., Cahill R., Belzile Y., Cantin K., Gendron M. Minimizing Impact of Low Sulfur Coke on Anode Quality // Light Metals. 2009. P. 957-962. 4. Gendron M., Whelan S., Cantin K. Coke Blending and Fines Circuit Targeting at the Alcoa Deschambault Smelter // Light Metals. 2008. P. 861-864. 5. Gomes A.S., Heilgendorff R.M. Carbon Plant Perfomance with Blended Coke // Light Metals. 2005. P. 659-663. 6. Abbas H., Khaji K., Sulaman D. Desulphurization Control During Anode Baking, its Impact on Anode Perfomance and Opera- tional Costs-Alba´s Experience // Light Metals. 2010. P. 1011-1014. 7. Sorlie M., Kuang Z, Thonstad J. Effect of Sulfur on Anode Reactivity and Electrolytic Consumption // Light Metals. 1994. P. 659-665. 8. Grandfield J.F., TaylorJ.A. The Downstream Conse- quences of Rising Ni and V Con-centrations in Smelter Grade Metal and Potential Control Strategies // Light Metals. 2009. P. 1007-1011. 9. Polovnikov V.M., Cherskikh I.V., Startsev E.A. Expe- rience in the use of high-sulfur cokes in the production of baked anodes // Materialy Vtorogo mezhdunar. kongressa «Tsvetnye metally-2010». M., 2010. P. 23-27. 10. Nozhko S.I., Krasnoperov A.N., Sukhov O.Yu., Blashkov A.A., Pentyukhin S.I. Analysis of methods for estimating the current output on electrolyzers for the production of aluminum // Non-ferrous Metals. 2011. № 3. P. 75-77. 11. Nozhko S.I. Method for determining the productivity of an electrolytic cell for the production of aluminum // Izvestiya Vuzov. Tsvetnaya Metallurgiya» (Universities ʹ Proceedings. Non- ferrous Metallurgy). 2011. № 1. P. 18-21. 12. Nozhko S.I. Quality management of electrolytic alumi- num // Non-ferrous Metals. 2011. № 6. P. 45-47. 13. Kosygin V.K., Bogdanov Yu.V., Ayushin B.I., Ershov V.A., Sysoev I.A. Anode technology using "dry" anode mass on pitch coke: pilot-industrial tests at the Irkutsk Aluminum Plant // Elektrometallurgiya legkikh metallov: sb. nauch. tr., posvyashch. 45-letiyu "SibVAMI". Irkutsk, 2004. P. 32-37. 14. Yanko E.A. Anodes of aluminum electrolyzers. M.: Izd. dom «Ruda i metally», 2001.