Systems. Methods. Technologies 3(35) 2017

Системы Методы Технологии . И . М . Ефремов и др Роторно - вибрационный … 2017 № 3 (35) с . 20-23 23 рационный смеситель : пат . 2615651 Рос . Федерация . № 2015157204; заявл . 29.12.15; опубл . 06.04.17, Бюл . № 10. 13 с . References 1. Efremov I.M., Lobanov D.V. New rotary mixers with vari- ous systems vibroexcitation // Construction and road building machinery. 2008. № 9. P. 7-9. 2. Efremov I.M., Lobanov D.V. Vibro-concrete mixers: path length of 70 years // Construction and road building machinery. 2009. № 10. P. 15-19. 3. Efremov I.M., Lobanov D.V., Figura K.N. Contemporary technologies of the intensification of mixing the concrete mixtures // Construction and road building machinery. 2011. № 1. P. 37-41. 4. Efremov I.M., Lobanov D.V., Figura K.N. Mechanical ac- tivation of concrete mixtures in the intensification of the processes // Mechanization in construction. 2011. № 2. P. 6-8. 5. Lobanov D.V., Efremov I.M. Simulation of vibratory in- termixing process of the concrete mixtures in the mixer with the vibrator of bellows-sealed type // Bulletin of engineering. 2012. № 1. P. 21-25. 6. Efremov I.M., Lobanov D.V. Research of the process of mixing in the rotary-vibration mixer // Mechanization in construc- tion. 2012. № 7. P. 40-43. 7. Efremov I.M., Lobanov D.V. New experimental rotary- vibration mixer // Construction and road building machinery. 2011. № 9. P. 16-19. 8. Malakhov K.V., Lobanov D.V. Experimental vibration mixing gravity type installation // Construction and road building machinery. 2013. № 7. P. 33-36. 9. Malakhov K.V., Lobanov D.V. Research mixing processes in vibration gravity type mixer // Mechanization in construction. 2013. № 11. P. 7-10. 10. Efremov I.M., Lobanov D.V., Figura K.N., Nikiforov R.E., Komarov I.V. Vibratory methods of mixing concrete mix- tures in the aspect of patent information analysis // Mechanization in construction. 2011. № 4. P. 6-10. 11. Efremov I.M., Lobanov D.V., Likhanov A.A., Ivasiiv D.M., Figura K.N. Determination of rheological parameters of concrete mixes in their significance criterion // Bulletin of engi- neering. 2011. № 9. P. 44-49. 12. Efremov I.M., Lobanov D.V., Likhanov A.A., Ivasiiv D.M. Theoretical aspects of the process of mixing concrete mix- tures // Mechanization in construction. 2011. № 9. P. 16-17. 13. Figura K.N., Efremov I.M., Lobanov D.V. Simulation of the process of vibration of a spherical shell, immersed in the con- crete mix // Mechanization in construction. 2013. № 4. P. 40-44. 14. Figura K.N., Yefremov I.M., Lobanov D.V. Research in- to fatigue crack life characteristics of bellows operated under high-frequency load // Advanced Materials Research. 2014. Vol. 1025-1026. P. 162-166. 15. Yefremov I.M., Lobanov D.V., Figura K.N. The issue of balancing of eccentric-type vibrators // Advanced Materials, Structures and Mechanical Engineering: Proceedings of the inter- national Conference on Advanced Materials, Structures and Me- chanical Engineering, Incheon, South Korea, May 29-31, 2015. London: CRC Press, 2016. P. 299–302. 16. Lobanov D.V. Design development of the machine and the process of vibratory mixing concrete: avtoref. dis. … kand. tekhn. nauk. Bratsk, 2013. 23 p. 17. Figura K.N. Substantiation of the design parameters and operation modes of mixing units with internal vibro-activators: avtoref. dis. … kand. tekhn. nauk. Bratsk, 2013. 23 p. 18. Lobanov D.V., Lobanova A.N., Efremov I.M., Mamedov E.M., Mikhajlov A.A., Popov E.V., Belov V.V., Belova T.V. Vibration mixer: pat. 2615651 Ros. Federaciya. № 2015157204; zayavl. 29.12.15; opubl. 06.04.17, Byul. № 10. 13 p.