Systems. Methods. Technologies 3(35) 2017
Системы Методы Технологии . В . С . Логойда . Метод индивидуального … 2017 № 3 (35) с . 154-159 159 16. Skrypnikov A.V., Umarov M.M., Arutyunyan A.Yu., Chernyshova E.V. Ways of estimating the required to the direct level of reliability of complex technical security // Systems analy- sis and simulation of quality management processes in the innova- tion development of the agroindustrial complex / BGUIT. Voro- nezh, 2015. P. 587-594. 17. Skrypnikov A.V. Theoretical bases and methods of organ- ization and traffic control // The Bulletin of Transport Informa- tion. M., 2010. № 1 (175). P. 10-15. 18. Skrypnikov A.V., Umarov M.M., Arutyunyan A.Yu, Chernyshova E.V. Ways of estimating the required to the direct level of reliability of complex technical security // Systems analy- sis and simulation of quality management processes in the innova- tion development of the agroindustrial complex. Voronezh, 2015. P. 587-594. 19. Skrypnikov A.V., Kondrashova E.V., Skvortsova T.V. Regression equation of the performance and sustainability of ve- hicle braking taking into account the geometry of the road / Seve- ro-Kavkazskij region: izv. vyssh. ucheb. zavedenij. Tekhn. nauki. Novocherkassk, 2006. № 5. P. 81-85. 20. Skrypnikov A.V. Modern stages of development comput- er-aided design of roads (CAD-AD) // Mathematical modeling, computer optimization of technology parameters of equipment and systems forest complex: mezhvuz. sb. nauch. tr. / VGLTA. Voronezh, 2000. P. 259.
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