Systems. Methods. Technologies 3(35) 2017

Системы Методы Технологии . Ю . И . Цой и др . Изучение энергетических … 2017 № 3 (35) с . 113-119 119 17. Ширяева Г . В ., Куриленко А . И ., Карпов В . Л . Исследо - вание адгезии полимерных связующих к высокоориентиро - ванным органическим волокнам // Физико - химия и механика ориентированных стеклопластиков : сб . ст . М ., 1967. С . 84-89. 18. Schonhorn H., Sharpe L.H. Surface Tension of Molten Polypropylene // Polymer Science.1965.Vol. 3, № 3. P. 235-237. 19. Fry E.S., Bunker E.B. Wetting, Film Formation and other Problems in Waterbased Industrial Stoving Paints // Oil and Co- lour Chemists, Association, 1960. Vol. 43, № 9. P. 640-652. 20. Wolfram E. Adhesion vor Flussigkeiten an Kunststoffo- berflachen // Kolloid Zeitschrift und Zeitschrift fur Polymere, 1962. b. 182. P. 75-85. References 1. Onegin V.I., Tsoy Yu.I. Technology of wood finishing. Methodical instructions for the performance of laboratory works. SPb, SPbGLTU, IPO, 2003. 44 p. 2. Sokolova V.A. Spectroscopic studies of paint coatings on wood substrate // Izv. S-.Peterb. lesotekhn. akad. 2003. Vyp. 170. P. 109-114. 3. Nikitin N.I. Chemistry of wood and cellulose. M.L.: Izd.AN, 1962. 711 p. 4. Kislitsyn A.N., Rodionova E.M., Savinykh V.I. Investiga- tion of the effect of chemical reagents on the pyrolysis of wood./ Nauch. tr. CNILHI, 1976. Vyp. 25. P. 4-15. 5. Eley D.D.London, 1961, 290 p. 6. Eley D.D. Surface Chemistry Studies in Relation to Adhe- sion./Kolloid-Zeitschrift und Zeitschrift fur Polimere,1964, Bd. 197, P. 129-134. 7. Faynerman A.Ye., Lipatov Yu.S. To the determination of the surface tension of solid polymers // Surface phenomena in po- lymers. Kiev: 1971, P. 67-89. 8. Faynerman A.Ye., Lipatov Yu.S., Kulik V.M. O On the bonds of surface tension of a polyester with the surface tension of its solutions / Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1969. T. 31. № 1. P. 140-146. 9. Myshko V.I., Lipatov Yu.S., Veselovskiy R.A. Investiga- tion of the change in free surface energy during the formation of solid polymers from liquid resins // High-molecular compounds. 1971. T. 13 B, № 2. P.114-117. 10. Abramzon A.A. On factors that determine surface tension // Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1967. T. 29, № 4. P. 467-473. 11. Elton G. Contakt Angles and Surface Tensions in Liquid/ Solid Systems // Chemical Physics. 1951. V.19. № 8. P.106. 12. Girifalco L.A., Good R.J. A Theory for the Estimation of Surfase and Interfacial Energies.1.Derivation and Application to Interfacial Tension // Physical Chemistry. 1957. V. 61. № 7. P. 904-909. 13. Fowkes F.M. Determination of Interfacial Tensions, Con- tact Angles, and Dispersion Forces in Surfaces by Assuming Ad- ditivity of Intermolecular Interactions in Surfaces // Physical Chemistry. 1962. V. 66. № 2. P. 382. 14. Fox H.W., Zisman W.A. The Spreading of Liquids on Low Energy Surfaces.1.Polytetrafluoroethylene./Colloid Science. 1950. Vol. 5, № 6. P. 514-531. 15. Bernett M.K., Zisman W.A. Wetting Properties of Tetraf- luoroethylene and Hexafluoropropylene Copolymers./Physical Chemistry. 1960. Vol. 64, № 9. P.1292-1294. 16. Herzeg A. Wettability of Wood./Forest Products. 1965. Vol. 15, № 11. P. 499-505. 17. Shiryaeva G.V., Kurilenko A.I., Karpov V.L. Investiga- tion of the adhesion of polymeric binders to highly oriented or- ganic fibers // Physical chemistry and mechanics of oriented fi- berglass / sb. st. M., 1967. P. 84-89. 18. Schonhorn H., Sharpe L.H. Surface Tension of Molten Polypropylene // Polymer Science. 1965.Vol. 3, № 3. P. 235-237. 19. Fry E.S., Bunker E.B. Wetting, Film Formation and other Problems in Waterbased Industrial Stoving Paints // Oil and Co- lour Chemists, Association,1960. Vol. 43, № 9. P. 640-652. 20. Wolfram E. Adhesion vor Flussigkeiten an Kunststoffo- berflachen // Kolloid Zeitschrift und Zeitschrift fur Polymere, 1962. b. 182. P.75-85.