№1(7), March 2012


Section 1. Economy, Management, Law

N.A. Goncharova. Principles and methods of formation of the combined model for innovations development in small and medium-sized organizations

L.A. Kaverzina, A.V. Mazhitova. Regional investment and construction complex: structure and tendencies for its rearrangement under innovative economy conditions

A.M. Patrusova. Professional education quality: assessment problems

A.A. Sapozhnikov. National policy in the sphere of on-budget expenditures effectiveness increase


Section 2. History, Political Science

V.A. Kudashkin, M.M. Zherebtsov. Problems of municipal government development at the turn of XX-XXI centuries (through the example of Padun automobile company №1, Bratsk, Irkutsk region)

V.V. Nikulenkov. Krasnoyarsk territory print media as ideological detonator in the citizens’ historical consciousness in 1987-1991

V.V. Nikulenkov, M.D. Sever’yanov. Political technologies at the elections of Krasnoyarsk territory governor a.g. Khloponin in 2002 as an indicator of activity intensification in the struggle for electorate (based on Krasnoyarsk territory mass media materials)

M.D. Sever’yanov, E. A. Akhtamov, V. A. Kudashkin. River transport enterprises under market conditions in the first half of 1990s (based on the yenisey river shipping lines materials)

S.A. Soldatov, V.V. Kondratiyev. Reforming the soviets of people's deputies and agriculture in Irkutsk region (1985-1993)

N.K. Yurchenko. Influence of Krasnoyarsk territory and Irkutsk region people’s politicking on the process of the RSFSR people’s deputies and local government candidates’ election (1989-1990)


Section 3. Psychology, Pedagogics, Philology

N.V. Emel’yanova, О.G. Larionova. Organization of project-based learning at a higher educational institution

M.Yu. Komarova. Creativity phenomenon and technologies for its development

O.G. Larionova, G. V. Lezhenina. Realization of context learning principles in the «Technology» educational area

E.V. Lodkina, E. A. Tolpygina, I. G. Gorban’. Students’ life strategies

A.V. Privalova. Aesthetic education and students’ aesthetic manners criteria

E. V. Falunina. Value - item cues and educational interaction technologies in modern education

T.N. Chekmareva. Problems and tolerance development cleavage as a future teacher’s professionally significant quality in the system of higher education


Section 4. Sociology, Philosophy, Cultural Science

R.A. Drozdova. Modern forms of youth subculture manifestation

V.L. Kurguzov. Mentality and identity as axiological grounds for cultural potential and system analysis objects

N.P. Morozova. Difficulties for innovation understanding in modern education