Section 1. Economy, Management, Law
I.G. Akchurina, E.V. Trusevich. Impact analysis of population's buying attitude and its influence on the development of commerce and the sphere of services
N.Ya. Boyarchuk. Stochastic analysis of finance indicators
T.V. Gubareva, K.I. Mironova, M.S. Boldyreva. Informatization - the key factor for effective public management
I.G. Trofimova. Stocktaking problem in the system of enterprise costs management
Section 2. History, Political Science
A.Yu. Buryakova, Z.I. Rabetskaya. Characteristics оf installation оf radio аnd broad-casting in Irkutsk region fnd Krasnoyarsk territory Ii1920s-1980s
N.F. Vasiliyeva. New records concerning right-wing and left-wing deviations display while establishing collective farms in Siberia
A.O. Levchenko. Turukhansk expedition of 1866: view from within (according to the facts from I.A. Lopatin's diary
L.M. Salakhova. Peculiar features of the cultural environment formation in new in-dustrial towns
G.A. Tsykunov, B.G. Pryanishev. Nizhneudinsk mica factory in the system of Minis-try of Internal Affairs (1949-1953)
G.A. Tsykunov, L.A. Shevchenko. Llarge families' movement in Priangariye in 1990s
Section 3. Psychology, Pedagogics, Philology
R.N. Galiakhmetov. The study of conflictology in a higher school and the problem of national features in conflict arrangement
K.A. Mornov, O.L. Podlinyaev. A future teacher's key competences determination based on the personality-centered approach
N.M. Tatarnikova. Interrogation as discourse: investigator's communicative behaviour
E.V. Falunina. Priority functions of Russia's polycultural education
D.E. Sherstnev, O.E. Sherstneva , S.N. Shyshkin. Risks of preschool child's spontane-ous socialization under present-day conditions
Yu.A. Shychkina, N.V. Kameneva. Psychological requirements for interactive techniques use in future teachers' training
N.I. Shmonina, M.V. Trofimova. Effect of extreme overload on EMERCOM officers' activity
Section 4. Sociology, Philosophy, Cultural Science
N.N. Volkova, N.I. Puzevich. Youth parliamentarism as means of overcoming youth's political absenteeism
R.A. Drozdova. Some issues of theoretical and methodological reasons in youth cul-tural policy
V.L. Kurguzov. Soviet culture and its place in the history of Russian civilization
N.V. Ledenyova. Acculturation as a way of intercultural communication
Tsykunov G.A., Vlasov G.P. Review of the book «The History of Local Bodies of Power and Self-Government in Irkutsk Region (second half of 1970s – beginning of 1990s) » by S.A. Soldatov and T.A. Mamontova