№ 3(13) ( 2013)


Section 1. Economy, Management, Law

N.Ya. Boyarchuk, S.A. Zverintsev. Development of conceptual model to analyse financial and economic activity of an enterprise 9

V.V. Kosyakova, N.Ya. Boyarchuk, S.A. Vasil’yeva. Competitive differentiators of retail commercial organizations

A.M. Patrusova, T.A. Grigor’yeva, M.V. Sygotina, O.K. Slinkova. Process approach to quality management in higher vocational education institutions

T.V. Gubareva, A.A. Efimovа, A.A. Popova. Development of information-oriented society in Russia

T.V. Gubareva, A.A. Arestova, T.M. Zalesova. Cloud technologies prospects for interagency cooperation

M.Yu. Vakhrusheva Features of the personnel management methods application

E.B. Trapeznikova, V.A. Ipatova. Problems connected with Russia's WTO accession

M.I. Cherutova, I.G Trofimova. Cost management to maximize profit

V.N. Shutova. Problems of legislative techniques and alternative social regulators as factors determining crimes in forest complex

Section 2. History, Political Science

G.P. Vlasov. Contemporary issues of the transport infrastructure development on Russia’s euroasian area

V.A. Kudashkin. Socio-economic and cultural development of aboriginal smaller peoples of the ussr in the 1950s-1991

B.G. Pryanishev. Prerequisites for transition of eastern siberia’s mica industry into the system of the ussr’s ministry of internal affairs

M.M. Boyarinova. Social and legal security of indigenous minorities of the North in the second half of XX - beginning of XXI centuries

A.V. Lukomsky. Activities to save archeological heritage in the Bratsk hydropower plant flooding area

G.P. Vlasov, S.A. Kiryutkin. Socio-economic policy under the conditions of Siberia’s industrial development in 1950-2010

E.M. Kunzharov. Russian national propaganda of World War I in domestic historiography

Section 3. Psychology, Pedagogics, Philology

T.G. Makuseva. Organization of review sessions in individually oriented training

E.V. Falunina, E.V. Miroshnichenko. Use of folk games of different peoples for developing game-training to solve the problem of intercultural exchange (by the examples of Russia, Central Asia and Kazakhstan)

T.N. Chekmareva. Reasons for developing future teacher’s tolerance as readiness to work in contemporary russia’s education

A.R. Duiseeva. Problems of masters’ training within the specialism framework 050100 «Teacher training»

S.V. Mindeeva. Potential of academic subject «Mathematics» in the process of technical students’ media competence formation

Section 4. Sociology, Philosophy, Cultural Science

K.A. Mornov. People's idea: student's view
