№ 1(11) ( 2013)


Section 1. Economy, Management, Law

A.S. Afanas’yev. Innovative development management of real economy enterprises

T.V. Gubareva, A.A. Efimova, A.A. Popova. Provision of electronic public and municipal services

T.V. Gubareva, A.A. Efimova, M.V. Nikitina. Multifunctional centres as implementation of one stop-shop principle

E.N. Kerinа, V.I. Rozhkov, E.V. Spykhal’sky, A.N. Filyakovа. Costs cutting of sports and Hunting complex forage base while using hydroponic fodder

I.B. Koroleva. Role of business organizations in the development of controlling mechanism of residential investment construction cycle duration in a city

E.V. Trusevich, I.G. Akchurina. Company’s product policy as marketing mix element (theoretics)

Section 2. History, Political Science

V.A. Kudashkin, N.S. Osipov. Russo-japanese legation in the life of patriarch sergiy (starogorodsky)

V.V. Nikulenkov. Development of multi-party system and politically-active information environment as feature of russia’s socio-political life in the beginning of 1990s

G.P. Vlasov, A.A. Kalimbetova. Social partnership in eurasia countries: historic and legal experience and lessons

Section 3. Psychology, Pedagogics, Philology

A.A. Verbitsky, O.G. Larionova. Education reform paradoxes and the problem of forms of learning activity organization

T.I. Blinova. Socio-pedagogical aspect of educating adults in contemporary Russia

D.B. Gorokhov, Z.I. Gura. Influence of students’ social and psychological individuality on educational process efficiency

V.A. Ipatova, E.V. Lodkina. Role of employee’s abilities in labour productivity increase

E.G. Levchenko. Psycho-pedagogical and organizational conditions for implementing ergonomic approach to the educational process

Ya.I. Nogovitsyna. Organizational and pedagogical conditions of autonomation competence forming at secondary school

Section 4. Sociology, Philosophy, Cultural Science

I.V. Dotol’. Ideological aspects of russian education functioning and development

V.A. Ipatova. Role of integration of sciences in improving scientific knowledge quality

V.L. Kurguzov. Ecotourism as a factor of preserving and using cultural and environmental heritage

L.A.Petrova. ormation of personality in vocational education

Tribune of the youth

M.A. Chepel’. Establishing and development of veterans’ primary organizations In Бratsk
