№ 4(10) ( 2012)


Section 1. Economy, Management, Law

I.V. Evdokimov. Information technology for accounting methodological support of the educational process

I.V. Evdokimov. Identification procedure as development stage of management and decision-making systems

M.Yu. Ivanov. Structure and principles of expert systems functioning to evaluate economic entity activity

M.Yu. Ivanov. Expert systems for economic entity activity assessment

V.V. Kosyakova. Personnel‘s innovation activity as a key factor to increase competitive capacity of an enterprise

Section 2. History, Political Science

G.P. Vlasov. Siberia’s problems: object of regard for science

G.P. Vlasov, A.P. Chekmenev. Trans-Siberian Railway: from XX to XXI century (experience, problems)

I.V. Efremov. Food difficulties in Siberia in 1928-1930 (based on the materials of Irkutsk region and Krasnoyarsk territory)

S.V. Kovrigina. Between the hammer and the anvil

A.S. Kosogova, A.A. Araslanova. Historical prerequisites to develop partnership relations in the sphere of regional higher education: Soviet period

V.N. Maksimova. Women of Siberia’s North-East: traditional values and cultural modernization

V.V. Nikulenkov. Periodization issue of the press ideological influence history on socio-political processes in the USSR – Russia (1985-2002)

N.I. Puzevich. Eastern Siberia’s labour resources during the war industrial adjustment (1941-1943)

S.B. Suturin, G.S. Suturin. Role of the management staff in the social and economic system (taken the Priangar’ye industry in the 1960s – 1991 as an example)

Section 3. Psychology, Pedagogics, Philology

R.V. Kalashnikova, R.S. Bekirova. Fitness-based health saving technology for rising generation

O.G. Larionova. Cognitive aspect of a presentation lecture

A.Yu. Kobzov, E.V. Lodkina. Experience of vocational guidance with regard to students of higher educational institutions

L.O. Trushkova<./i> The modi of representation of the emotional state of disappointment in fiction discourse

Section 4. Sociology, Philosophy, Cultural Science

V.L .Kurguzov. Source of culture study in eastern Siberia

V.L .Kurguzov. For reaching mutual understanding and cooperation among nations

E.V. Lodkina, O.V. Tishchenko, L.A. Shevchenko. Social description of a contemporary female student (taken Bratsk State University as an example)
